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Location: the Netherlands
Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:22 pm Reply with quote
At work I do the more realistic and clean chopping.
But on the web I just like to do my kaleidoscoping thing!
And it's always nice to get backup and comments or votes, but it's not that important.
_________________ Also known as the Kaleidoscope King!
Location: Brazil
Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:10 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: Pointing out things about an image that could improve it has been done by one user or another in the past...usually an alias because of the backlash...and NO ONE LIKES IT!!
not entirely true showcase... there are some people that accept criticism... and there are some that say they accept but they donīt, cause they think itīs perfect the way it is...
for example... I commented on Seriouīs entry his windshield was too blurry... and windshields are not supposed to be blurry... he fixed it, and got loads more votes...
dew commented I had made a huge shadow to my airplane... I fixed it, and it indeed looked better...
there are people and people... that is the point. Some donīt care for votes and all, like Patre, and love to get feedback on their images... some want to improve, and like when we tell them what they should do to make it look better... and some... well some think theyīre the best and donīt accept nothing that goes against this statement...
Showcase wrote: You know what would happen if I went to Marco's leaf image and pointed out how if he paid more attention to details like lighting and shadows (which he's awful at IMHO) his images would look much more realistic?? It would spawn a slew of PMs from him thinking I was personally attacking him and his family and that I didnt like him because I think he had a few problems with that image...Not to mention the posse that would be created to track me down and have me hung, or worse...banned. Its nonsense.
By the way, would you also mention his rpm pointer is at 0 while the car is moving fast in a highway?  we can count the details... the car is brittish, the road is american... he canīt be on vacation... no one takes the house gateīs remote in a trip... the wolks weel on a toyota car... marco could do much better chops, if he just wanted to spend some time on details...
I usually do regular chops... the last good chop (tht I consider good) i did was the microscope in the tourney... sometimes I chop to express feelings... sometimes just to spend time when I have imnsonia... sometimes I chop when Iīm drunk... wait... no... not some... most... yeah... anyway, my 2 cents
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:22 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: . marco could do much better chops, if he just wanted to spend some time on details...
Geez, where'd that come from? Sure, Marco could spend 8 hours on every chop and have every detail absolutely perfect. But as we know, he enters every single contest and produces consistently high quality. I know I couldn't be 100% perfect without skipping a day. There are many different kind of choppers here: some don't post until they consider a work perfect, while others enjoy the thrill of chopping every day. (Over the last page, this thread has become rather snipey. Any more of this, and we'll take Sock Cop out of mothballs.)
Location: Brazil
Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:41 pm Reply with quote
Feral, you donīt need to spend 8 hours to do a clean detailed job... weīre talking about simple changes... simple details... that MAKE the difference... well, at least for who is used to photoshop...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:58 am Reply with quote
lol cheers feral, i laughed when i showed my leaf pic to a friend on here just b4 it went up, he spotted the mistakes straight away, i thought it was funny and would cause a funny comment thread, and it did, i do my chop then i move on to the next one, when i eventually cool it and post less frequently i will obviously work toward the perfect image, but at the moment posting everyday, this is impossible, i enjoy copping and at no point have i shouted from the rooftops
'My chops are perfect try and prove me wrong'
he its a laugh to me when someone spots things like the tacometre at 0, its just funny, cos its an oversight, and thats all it is, it isnt the end of te world, and i aint gonna cry at night over it.
but arc, ya didnt clear it up..... what are you on about gate remote??? do you mean the watch on the guys wrist??? ive looked at my pic for longer than i care to usually do so, and i am just confused lol
anyway, heres to PSC and all that sails on her, have fun and chop til ya drop people.
Location: Brazil
Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:13 am Reply with quote
the gate remote control is the thing attached to the right sun blocker, that is used to open people's house's gates... people usually attach it there so they don't have to waste time looking for it to open the electronic gate and enter the house.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: france
Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:01 am Reply with quote
I agree with deshone opinion who said that trying to do the best chop allows to increase his skills. But I think there are two mainly kinds of people in this site : those who are able to produce a "perfect" chop if they pay attention to each detail and those who are still learning both PS abilities and lightning effects (my category as U should have noticed  ).
So, I can only talk about myself and maybe more generally about the last kind of people.
Trying to produce the most realistic chop is very important in order to notice his own progress. If you spent ten minutes on a picture to produce a dirty result or hours on another with trying to solve each problem, you couldn't compare these two works. Moreover you would learn by yourself much more with the second chop.
Another point is the respect for the members of this site. An horrible result is aggressive when you looked at it even if it's based upon a nice idea ( my elephant in the "hose de fire" contest is a good example...). Then I think that generosity is more important than ego to produce the best chop : you give a present for the members that have cost a lot of your precious time.
Of course, I noticed that the two points may not influence the votes, but it's another very complex problem.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:20 pm Reply with quote
ha ha ha oh yeah arc...i never saw that, i thought it was something to do with the lights for the interior or something, i apologise mate that i dint realise it was a gate opener man. I am so stupid, excuse me while i go and hang myself becuase of the shame.... ha ha ha 
Location: Australia
Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:07 pm Reply with quote
( Climbs on soapbox...checks to make sure Im in the rigth topic...yep...)
God we all are missing the point.
Vote...dont vote
Comment...dont comment
Crituqe...cant spell
If votes matter then they mater to you, if comments matter then they matter to you, heres something to try...
Stand up
Push the big OFF button on your PC
Come back later and if you wanna post then post, just dont let it get to you. Deal with the moment and move on.
Take KaB00m at the moment he/she is on a bender entilted to there opinion other than one comment about refraction big deal. If people want to vote for my image and then change there mind because of some ones comment so be it. Look at your art work, if you like it then like it, allow others to have there opinions, it's called life.
( Climbs down from soap box...sighs...awaits the unhappy response's )
Location: Sunny So California
Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:03 pm Reply with quote
Thank you, arcaico! This topic helped me get things back into perspective. It's NOT about the votes (sure, votes are nice as an affirmation of our attempts - but NOT the ultimate goal).
By nature, I tend to be competitive, but once again I felt my competitive nature was taking the fun out of things. I have submitted a sucky (yes SUCKY - much more sucky than a Dyson) image because I just wanted to post SOMETHING!!! I've taken a few week break to pout about having to return to work, enjoy my vacation (holiday to you Brits)
and generally live in the real world.
My goal of joining PSC was to not forget all I learned in my Photoshop class over the summer... and by taking a few weeks off.. I was surprised by how much I had forgotten.
(Cut me some slack here... I'm blonde & senile!!) So, I have returned... with probably not as much intensity... but hopefully to enjoy myself.
Again... thanks Arcaico for giving me food for thought (and all contributors to this thread too).
Location: COSTA RICA
Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:21 am Reply with quote
when i post an image is because i really like it and i want others to see it, and if they give me a vote during the process, the better.
i'm not going to lie, i really, really enjoy getting votes and recently i had the opportunity to enjoy the experience of winning a contest, and that really inspires me to keep posting better and better pics.
i also enjoy when people take a moment of their time to look at my work and if they spot anything that they think could be improved, let me know, like was the case with arcaico:
Quote: for example... I commented on Seriouīs entry his windshield was too blurry... and windshields are not supposed to be blurry... he fixed it, and got loads more votes...
and some other people have done the same.
there are a LOT of talented people here and we should take advantage of their chopping knowledge and wisdom because it's practically free
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:39 am Reply with quote
here is the basics....we all love getting votes, and those who say doesnt matter are surely telling porkies lol  because remove the voting system from the site, and what do you have..... not much, still a great site, but it would be lacking soul and direction.
I think alot of people would magically disappear if ya didnt have votes and comment sections. Sure it can blow ya ego up, and so on, but its fun getting them, and makes everyone warm and fuzzy inside.
thats what I think anyway.
end of

Location: Brazil
Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:42 pm Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: here is the basics....we all love getting votes, and those who say doesnt matter are surely telling porkies
youīre soooo wrong fella... ask Patre if he cares about votes? And he is just ONE example...
take care...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Glendale, Az.
Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:25 pm Reply with quote
Nobody asked, but I have often said that I do my best to not let votes be the controlling factor determining the quality of my PSC experience. I have continued to chop even though I have 41 entries registering 0 votes and 81 entries with one or less votes and a significant number of other entries with vote totals of less than five votes per entry. As I have continued to chop, I have received more votes on individual images, some deserved because of the improvement in my chopping skills and some, perhaps, offered as a way of supporting my persistence. Basically I have continued to "chop" because I like to try and construct images having an interesting/meaningful theme, beautiful composition, setting, color, powerful lighting and shadows etc,. And every once in awhile I will manage an image that has a compelling personal appeal for more than a few people. However, generally speaking, I fall within the average to below average range of "chopping" enthusiasts who work to create an image that can be and is often tainted with flaws and blemishes I don't even know are there. That all being said, there are still times when I feel disappointed at receiving fewer votes than I expected on an image that I think compares favorably with the other images I have viewed in any given contest. And there is still the thrill of viewing the images for the first time on a contest day to see how the voters are reacting to the most recent entry. But like a lot of other things in life, for me PSC is part of the life experience of letting go of issues that don't really matter. It isn't always easy, but letting go of the grief associated with the loss of a soulmate, friend,job,pet, PSC vote expectations etc., delivers me from attachments to feelings and thoughts which bind me to negative passions and states of mind, and makes it possible for me to give and receive the kind of love and affirmation that cheers my own soul and lifts the spirit of others.
There are some days when I need to take a good dose of my own medicine. For, I am not, being human, immune to the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" . But everything eventually passes away. Time and separation from any temporarily distressing reality diminishes its power to disturb a peaceful state of mind. And unmasks the illusion that any earthly event has the power to permanently destroy
the innate and eternal spirit of love and goodness that resides within us all.
Some are probably saying, "all that on the PSC voting experience and how it affects the ego? Come on , give us a break". Probably right..and some will have quit reading long before the end..And for sure, nobody asked....
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