Overall, I think you're off to a pretty decent start. Dont be too impatient for the votes.
my 2 cents...others will see it differently...just like other forms of "art"...
image 1...
- too much contrast between what you added and the source. It looks like two different images mashed together.
- skip the lens flares. they are mostly just distracting.
- what you did with the starting image (Saturation? Brightness?) just didnt work either. too harsh for me.
- I spent too much time looking at the too small people wondering what they were doing there. you have to be more convincing with your style than just popping in some picture of blurry running people. The starting image was a cold wasteland. these people are running with shorts and t-shirts. doesnt help the image at all
image 2...
Id start with spelling microcosm right. People might have gotten it better.
This idea just isnt enough to get more votes than it did. you can hardly even see the source in it. you have to do more with the source than just adjust transparency or change a blending method.
image 3...
As your "Author's comment" suggests, its great that you crack yourself up but remember what you think is funny or a great idea can and will be far different than what others think around here.
I wasnt too impressed with the use of the source. its the same leaf as in the starting image. It looks the same, its the same color, its a bit boring really. As I mentioned, failing to add appropriate shadows and finish the edges of your cutouts around the collar really gave this image a "flat" unfinished look.
future considerations...
If you look at the winning entries,
for the most part, they dont include the main object of the starting image in its original form. It has been modified in one manner or another.
Create an image that works without a "story" in the "Author's comment" The good images can be seen for what they are long before you get to the comments made by the author.
always, always, always pay attention to details like lighting, shadows, and perspective. These things make the difference between an average cut and paste job and a great cut and paste job.
Keep working. The more you do, the better you'll get. Do it for the fun and learning and the votes will come. push yourself to go just a bit further on every image. try something new...if it doesnt work out...go back and try it a different way. Read online tutorials for different effects and basic image editing methods.
just have fun...thats the most important. If you worry about votes too much, you'll go bonkers (like Marco, lol hahaha juss jivin wit ya dude

Dont give up.