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Location: Virginia
Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:11 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: HAHAHA!!! Who around here is so insecure that
they would go to all this trouble??? said it Scion!!!
For the record... AGAIN...
1. Angie and I never said we kissed. It was a joke. Get over it.
2. Neither of us knows any person named "Rochelle".
3. Angie is my fucking best friend and just wanted to hang out where I hang out. Thanks for being so cool about it you guys. I am usually pretty thick-skinned, as most people around here know by now, but I don't find any of this funny.
4. I have a few ideas about why this thread was made and who it may be.. .and the one second from the top of my list would really dissapoint me... you know who you are... and if it's not you, you are good friends with the #1 spot, which is why you wont tell me. You were my best friend on here once and I would appreciate a little honesty... I've never given you anything less.
And now, I'm not trying to make enemies here (and if I do, it wouldn't be the first time... right kitty? love ya  .) I just want the shit to end because IT IS a personal attack. I'm not stupid.
*DISCLAIMER - the following may or may not be my candidates for "Rochelle"*
Cynn wrote: Aw, Rochelle, don't be so heartless. Obviously Angie is jealous. Robin, quick. Give Angie a nice kiss and make her feel better.
and... from chat Monday night:
08/15 @ 10:09 pm
So, WTF is up with all of Robin's dipshit friends?
08/15 @ 10:12 pm
Hi, I'm Nasty74! I'm really shy, but Robin and I party naked all the time. We have photos. I have never heard of Photoshop, I'm just incredibly starved for attention. Please notice me!"
......Who's being catty around here? hmmm
Cynn - I don't know you.. I have said nothing but nice things about you UNTIL now... you have never responded to me. Hi, my name is Robin. I've been here for a while... I've been on vacation... I'm back
ROB... just because I find it curious that a thread whore such as yourself is absent from this thread : AND since you had PM'ed me, before you said these things apologizing for giving Angie a hard time in the first place...
08/15 @ 10:15 pm
I don't know about sports either, let's go join the ESPN boards and chat
08/15 @ 10:17 pm
Wait, you were born in 1974??? I was born in the 70's TOO!!! OMG! That's so freaky. Maybe we know each other!"
.........I'm sure this is amusing to a lot of people. Hell, I might find it a little funny if it wasn't MY best friend... but you know, it reflects on me too... and MOST people around here... anyone who has been here longer than a couple of months anyway... knows that there is no reason to act like an asshole about this. Angie happens to be one of the most giving, sincere, trustworthy people I have ever met in my life... and just wanted to have fun, like everyone else here who is stuck behind a fucking computer right now. Who gives a fuck if she can chop? She's a very nice & fun person.
... OH and just for "Rochelle":
I LOVE YOU ANGIE!!!!! BIG HUGS AND WET SLOPPY KIISSES ALL OVER YOUR PERFECT 10 FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Location: Duketown
Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:35 am Reply with quote
@ Robin: YOU GO GIRL!  Woot Woot!
@ Angie: Keep on loggin in to PSC. Just ignore all this shite!
Hugs for my fellow PSC '74-ers, AND the rest of you.
PS for everyone's information - there's absolutely nothing wrong with a Dutch erection! 
Location: London, UK
Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:36 am Reply with quote
lol @ Robin's long response!
I'm with you on that, missR - aliases, "jokey" ****-takes, etc are fine for a couple of posts, but get tired fast. We've all seen similar things get out of hand on here and get VERY lame VERY quickly.
However, one caution, Robin - in the words of the (immortal?) song(s): DON'T LET THE BASTARDS GET YOU DOWN. People who carry the "joke" too far are usually looking for a reaction or a showdown, so firing off heated responses is getting sucked into their web...
(Ok, I'm gonna have to go and have a lie down - I just used the word "sucked" in a sentence to missrobin. And now I'm thinking of those Dysons... )
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: currently Taipei
Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:17 am Reply with quote
AtHeaMo wrote: @ Robin: YOU GO GIRL!  Woot Woot!
@ Angie: Keep on loggin in to PSC. Just ignore all this shite!
Hugs for my fellow PSC '74-ers, AND the rest of you.
PS for everyone's information - there's absolutely nothing wrong with a Dutch erection! 
I couldn't agree more (apart from the bit about the Dutch erection) 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:04 am Reply with quote
HandToolUK wrote:
I'm with you on that, missR - aliases, "jokey" ****-takes, etc are fine for a couple of posts, but get tired fast. We've all seen similar things get out of hand on here and get VERY lame VERY quickly.
People who carry the "joke" too far are usually looking for a reaction or a showdown, so firing off heated responses is getting sucked into their web...
That's HILARIOUS!!!!!!
Who would fit that description?
Take it as a dumb joke and don't get upset by it--
I hate to say it but you'll lose this arguement.
I however am too old to join a "seventies Club" , but
My wife is a '77' 
Location: London, UK
Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:30 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: Take it as a dumb joke and don't get upset by it
My point exactly. Although you put it more succinctly, Scion! 
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: Old NewYork State ! Sex: Male. Age: Unknown
Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:02 am Reply with quote
Quote: ROB... just because I find it curious that a thread whore such as yourself is absent from this thread : AND since you had PM'ed me, before you said these things apologizing for giving Angie a hard time in the first place...
1) If you think it's me, (which it's not) PM a mod and ask them.
2) What did you expect from PSC? *NOT* to be made fun of??  Everyone gets made fun of here one time or another.
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:39 am Reply with quote
Robin....where is my medocre redhead, goddamn it!!!!
_________________ I rock your fucking face.
Location: montreal
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:41 am Reply with quote
it's not me...
_________________ beefhead said: beet, how did you make the girl puke at regular speed?
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:52 am Reply with quote
You know, Robin, I'm very surprised you're taking this so hard.
Reading back, I see you took this as a personal insult immediately after I said that people mistake us for sisters.
For this I apologize. And I apologize to the members of this site who have rallied around you.
I have obviously upset the delicate balance of hotness that exists here and I would like to return things back to normal:
Robin - you and I look nothing like sisters. You are, and always will be, the hottest hot mama in all of Hot Town.
And Angie, you are an angel sent from sexy heaven.
I was just trying to become a contributing member of this site. Just trying to make some friends.
Just trying to add some real art to the contests. I see that I am not welcome here.
If only there was another site that was extremely similar to this one. A site for cast-offs.
For those who look like me.
For now I will dream.
Location: the sunny side of NY
Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:13 am Reply with quote
OMG, can we give it a rest already! 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:16 am Reply with quote
That was all very scary.
It seems inevitable that this kind of thing happen here every few months or so.
Boredom? Summer Heat? Bad Tuna? Who knows... but my advice (not that anyone ever listens to it, and rightly so!  ) is to all take a deep breath and remember that PSC world, though special to a lot of us, isn't the REAL world. There are some serious friendships that DO form here, most of them in PM land, but this is an ENTERTAINMENT space and can suffer from ENTERTAINMENT WORLD ISSUES like bruised egos and lyposuction.
I've basically stayed out of this thread as from the get go it was obviously upsetting someone. I'm sorry she fell into the trap of expressing that upset publically as it just gave the teaser what they wanted. I've learned from experience to either roll with the punches here (and do great chops) or else email directly my attackers. This is not a "here's what you should do next time" lecture for Ms. R, but a general thought on how to handle this kind of situation if it happens to you. And it probably WILL happen to you if you become "popular' in the PSC world. Seems to be a rule of ENTERTAINMENT WORLD.
Okay - now you kids start getting along and play nice or else I'll get out my Wiffle Bat and start whumping your bad little arses! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
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