WOW! I just made the
peanut butter and chocolate granola squares following Square's was
incredibly easy! And GOLLY! do they taste
great! Have one, and you'll agree, they
"taste like more!" I nearly finished the whole pan with my coffee this morning.

But it's (sorta) okay, because, following Square's recipe, these
peanut butter and chocolae granola squares are surprisingly low in fat, calories, and sugar, and chock full of vitamins and minerals. There is a side-bar to the recipe that says
Weight Watchers,
Jenny Craig,
Slim Fast, and
Pria are in a biddng war to buy the exclusive rights to market
Square's Peanut Butter and Chocolate Granola Squares as meal replacement bars! (I doubt they'd list the serving size as including the an entire pan, though! *urp*
