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Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri May 13, 2005 8:57 am Reply with quote
I had a dream about a goat once.
His name was Simon.
He ate chocolate and spoke Cantonese.
He saved me from the Albino Rooster!
Fugue and Bluefist have never been in a dream of mine.
Give me Simon ANYDAY!
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:10 pm Reply with quote
spencej1129 wrote: First off, people invade France because its easy, like kicking the shit out of a mouthy kid in a wheelchair. Second off, Worth1000 seems vey cold and impersonal, and when you need credits and sponsors and all of that horseshit... screw it. i have seen some decent work there, but no better than people here when given 24 hours to chop something and they tell you what to do.
I might even try it someday if whoever builds the site gets his/her head out of their ass and builds a decent site, it took me about a half and hour to find my way around enought to figure out what the fuck was going on. Talent be damned...
Hi ya Zet *wink*
This thread made for very interesting reading, as I am a member of Worth of 2years now and also FN, don't play at Worth much anymore, too damn scary...but I find FN fun easy to navigate etc...just got to this place and yeh must agree hard to get around but I will perservere as it seems like a pretty good crew over here, not impersonal like the "other site" 
Location: Austin, TX
Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:03 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: I had a dream about a goat once.
His name was Simon.
He ate chocolate and spoke Cantonese.
He saved me from the Albino Rooster!
Fugue and Bluefist have never been in a dream of mine.
Give me Simon ANYDAY!
My name isn't Simon... 
Location: Australia
Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:38 pm Reply with quote
Are you sure Goat...the rumor I started said your name was Simon and you had this thing for "naked piano accordian players", just a rumor but you know how rumors get started around here huh...LOL.
Location: Old Virginny
Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:35 am Reply with quote
I can't comment too much about this site because I'm unfamiliar with it, but I do know something about worth1000. The place is very well organized and has some fantastic talent. But the dark side is it's run by some real weirdos who are on some kind of power trip. I went there, entered a few contests and did OK. My last image was removed without a good reason. When I asked why on their forum the post was deleted. When I complained privately by e-mail they banned me just like that. No discussion or reasons why.
I've looked into worth quite a bit and see there are many people who have the same sorts of complaints. Here is one I found by a former staff member,
Hypocracy and duplicity at it's best.,
I was on the staff of In the belly of the beast if you will. I can say, without hesitation that this website is the most duplicitous site I've ever seen. While the guidelines for the site state that no user has the right to abuse another user, the administration staff tromps around the site insulting, threatening and abusing members at any and every opportunity. Swearing at an admin will get you instantly banned, however the admins will send you emails swearing at you and calling you names (I have documentation to prove this). They keep special forums just to poke fun at regular members. If you disagree in any way or even try to bring a topic up that the administration would rather not speak of, you'll be threatened with being banned from the site. The administration is run like a group of 98 pound weekling, hall monitors that are drunk with power. They hide behind the ability to just ban anyone who disagrees with them. If you join this site, be careful. Keep your mouth shut at all times and NEVER disagree with anyone on the staff. There are some fabulously talented people at Worth. And amung the members there are some great individuals. The site is just run in a manner which is more like martial law than anything else. And again, I';d like to stress that I know of where I speak I was on their staff and was banned for disagreeing with an admin. I'm currently listed in their hall of fame. Worth is a good site if you want to surf, just don't join in unless you're willing to be flogged without the ability to defend yourself.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:30 am Reply with quote
Sounds about right.
The big difference I believe is that the owner of this site created it
for fun and community--
I get the impression W1K is about making money?
Anyway, hope ya stay, HAVE FUN! 
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:04 pm Reply with quote
I know for a FACT....that everything that Cowboy399 quoted by that ex-Worthless staffer was true. Also, it's not the only instance of this.
Two of the sites ex-darlings, Jolt & a bitch named Silken Fairy, were amongst the other former admins who thought they were invincible.
Eventually, they opened their big mouths too much & Worthless's jackass owner banned them too.
Jolt ended up sending several Worthless members... crybaby "whoa is me" e-mails about everything that Cowboy399 mentioned.
Basically, in the end, they made their own site.....a blatant rip-off of Worthless anyway.
The facts are all there. Worthless, for all it's talent, IS worthless at day's end. Most members at PSC who have competed there only do so to challenge themselves against new people. Then, once they see how rigged the voting is & what a joke the community is.....they come back here.
Thanks for your post Cowboy399.
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:00 pm Reply with quote
Sounds like I woulda really LOVED that Silken Fairy, eh? heh heh
_________________ A man is like wine. He begins as a raw grape. It's a woman's job to stomp on him, and keep him in the dark until he matures into something she'd like to have dinner with.
Location: Old Virginny
Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:01 pm Reply with quote
Anyway, hope ya stay, HAVE FUN!  [/quote]
Thanks. This place seems a lot friendlier, that's for sure.
Location: Old Virginny
Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:10 pm Reply with quote
bluefist wrote: I know for a FACT....that everything that Cowboy399 quoted by that ex-Worthless staffer was true. Also, it's not the only instance of this.
Two of the sites ex-darlings, Jolt & a bitch named Silken Fairy, were amongst the other former admins who thought they were invincible.
Eventually, they opened their big mouths too much & Worthless's jackass owner banned them too.
Jolt ended up sending several Worthless members... crybaby "whoa is me" e-mails about everything that Cowboy399 mentioned.
Basically, in the end, they made their own site.....a blatant rip-off of Worthless anyway.
The facts are all there. Worthless, for all it's talent, IS worthless at day's end. Most members at PSC who have competed there only do so to challenge themselves against new people. Then, once they see how rigged the voting is & what a joke the community is.....they come back here.
Thanks for your post Cowboy399.
So which site did they make?
Also, you mentioned rigged voting. I know about the way worth1000 recently gave their staff a 500 vote voting power, and a few other things. Is there something more I don't know about?
There was a guy there not long ago who said something about their voting method being wrong - a statistal error in the math. They got very defensive about it and said it wasn't rigged even though he never accused them of rigging. They accused him of being a hacker and closed the thread so he couldn't defend himself.
Thanks for the reply.
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:47 pm Reply with quote
nancers wrote: Sounds like I woulda really LOVED that Silken Fairy, eh? heh heh
Nah....she was/is a stupid bitch.
On your worst just play one on the Interweb. 
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:51 pm Reply with quote
cowboy399 wrote: So which site did they make?.
I think it's www.theyfuckingsuckandI'
cowboy399 wrote: Also, you mentioned rigged voting. I know about the way worth1000 recently gave their staff a 500 vote voting power, and a few other things. Is there something more I don't know about?
If you're an admin there....they'll let you win contests by using pre-edited stock photography. You can even say that it's your own work. They don't care.
They suck.
Location: Old Virginny
Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:13 pm Reply with quote
bluefist wrote:
If you're an admin there....they'll let you win contests by using pre-edited stock photography. You can even say that it's your own work. They don't care.
They suck.
I wasn't there long enough to notice stuff like that. But I did see one admin use the same image that won in another contest, which is supposed to be against the rules (for everyone else that is).
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:15 pm Reply with quote
Or even stuff re-manipulated that they find here?
I can't rmember who originally did this but it was a rhino head? right??
Location: Photoshop Nation
Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:26 am Reply with quote
what a bad chop, also, having a brandname put on my art, that drew me off worthless1k the first instant i saw it. Who the fuck are you to put your name on my work? got to hell.
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