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Location: Brazil
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:04 pm Reply with quote
heck... it's taking more time and patience than I expected... (probably btvs, anfa and alex are now talking to their personal killers and making the arrangements to send them to Brazil)... anyway... I WILL PUT THE SITE UP AS SOON AS I FINISH IT...  some screenshots to prove I'm not lying...
Anyway... I'm still working on it... hope you all understand... (and I know you won't... I wouldn't  )
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Virginia
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:05 pm Reply with quote
Robaccomando wrote: I know it'a mute point.. but... nevermind.
That's right, mute... that means zip it Rob
OH! I gotta go look at the scoring!
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:17 pm Reply with quote
Christalmighty!  You're making a Flash site out of it!
...dude....too much!
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:18 pm Reply with quote
will there be judges' comments about why they scored the items as they did (i.e., something about it they really liked, or something they felt needed improvement, etc.). that would be very helpful in understanding what the judges were looking for, what our teams did well, and things we should work on for next time.
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:20 pm Reply with quote
...and could you send EACH of us a personal letter?
Nice sig image Robin! 
Location: Old NewYork State ! Sex: Male. Age: Unknown
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:22 pm Reply with quote
yeah, we all want to know stuff like;
- what you were eating or drinking when you voted
- was it night or day when you voted
- was any music playing?
- What were yo wearing when you voted?
- How much sleep did you get on that day you voted?
- how was the weather?
- was the TV on? If so, what was on?
(note: hehe, jk)
Location: Virginia
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:25 pm Reply with quote
bluefist wrote: Nice sig image Robin! 
Thanks... I worked very hard on the idea.  No no, thanks. I liked yours so much I had to have one of my own 
Location: Brazil
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:27 pm Reply with quote
Feral, guess blue and Rob answered yer question... I still dunno how team Donkey Punch got the 8th place... I really liked their stuff (specially Heather's flower... that kept me laughing for a long time)
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:29 pm Reply with quote
I'll tell you THIS much Robacco....
Smokin' dope wuz DEFINITELY involved when he thought that taking 100 hours out of his life to make a site people will look at for maybe 3 days....was a good idea. offense. 
Location: California Choppin'
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:30 pm Reply with quote
It looks really cool, Arc. We can't wait to see it. I'm glad we have BTVS' to stall the wolf until it's done.

Location: Old NewYork State ! Sex: Male. Age: Unknown
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:33 pm Reply with quote
I think ALOT of entries were extremely good. Alot of very talented people this round!
Now that I think about it, I don't think I'd ever want to be a judge of something like this. It would be way too difficult to score. 
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:44 pm Reply with quote
I saw the jk, but I'll do it anyway:
- what you were eating or drinking when you voted: Sweet tea and pretzels
- was it night or day when you voted: night
- was any music playing?: Probably Michael Buble or Nickel Creek
- What were yo wearing when you voted?: tshirt/shorts
- How much sleep did you get on that day you voted?: Probably like 6-7 hours
- how was the weather? Fairly hot and partly cloudy as best I recall
- was the TV on? If so, what was on? No it was not

Location: Virginia
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:49 pm Reply with quote
hahaha... funny BTV
I am also looking forward to seeing the site... but I don't think we're going to be doing anything quite that elaborate!
Yes, scoring is very difficult. I judged SHII... I had no idea what I was in for. It does take a lot of thought... which equals a lot of time. So again, thanks guys!
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:50 pm Reply with quote
Props on behalf of 'Mrs. Blue' for the Michael Buble. 
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:28 pm Reply with quote
Feral, here are comments that I threw together over the last hour.
This is my scoring sheet and next to each score is a comment relating to that item. Just click on it to read it at the top of Excel. If you don't have excel or something that reads those files, sorry.
I was VERY blunt with what I said, much much more than you see from me on my voting/comments on PSC day to day, so PLEASE don't take this stuff personally; I was quite dry with my comments unless I really liked something. I judged the stuff as best I saw fit, item by item, and the scores came out as you see there on the bottom row. And remember the comments are relative. If it says "poor effort", that is in relation to the other teams. If I say "poor effort", that doesn't mean you didn't do a lot of work, it means that other teams did a lot more.
I truly apologize if my comments offend anyone, they are not meant to at all, they are only meant to clarify how I judged stuff.
Ok, everyone have a good weekend! 
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