Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - Ideas for more Interesting stats on people performance.... - This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.
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Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:28 pm Reply with quote
not that it matters a hoot what I think but...
It is a "contest" site with community (allgedly) and as Goat said, 2nd and 3rd is a typical stat in most competition results. I dont think its excessive for this competition site either. How does it hurt those that dont care? It will help those that do.
We all use this site differently...some for competition, some for "community".
If you are here for the competition and standings, you look at the stats and use them for whatever "learning" or aggression you might get from the "top dogs".
however...if you're here for the "community", so what if there are more stats...dont look. I hardly ever look at the stats because I just dont care (maybe cuz Im never anywhere to be seen there  ) who the stats say is the "best" or 2nd "best"...I look at the chops and save the ones I like and laugh at the funny ones, cry at the sad ones and say WOW at the truely amazing... and sometimes vote.
as far as yet further results being asked for, I think JMH has shown a good understanding of what might be good for the site and what might not be (in most cases  ). Results like the ones others suggested in this thread as future requests are obviously useless and ridiculous examples of things that just wont happen.
thats my 2 cents, use it or dont...just dont ask me to look at the stats.
Good Day.
Location: Claremont
Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:57 pm Reply with quote
Personally I don't see why it isn't included on the profile page already. In a way it's almost a matter of consistency considering 2nd and 3rd place entries are already indicated in a persons portfolio along with contest winners. It is not as if it is some new stat that isn't currently being tracked.
And as for this becoming more of a competition site because of a couple of new stats on a persons profile, let's give the members of this site a little more credit than that. Members are not going to alter their feelings, behavior, or intentions over a couple of new stats in their profiles or on the standings page. And if I recall there wasn't much dissent when BTVS and JMH rolled the new and improved RPP and PSCore stats.
That being said, I do understand how this might seem like an unneccesary ego boost to some who don't find interest in the stats side of this site. But others do find it of interest so if it doesn't do any harm why not keep your fellow PSC brethren happy. And if a few use it to feed their ever increasing ego well who cares, those egos will be deflated one way or another eventually.  Anyway just my 2 cents, flame away.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:18 pm Reply with quote
2nd and 3rd place showings are a relatively new
addition to portfolios that jmh put in.I thought it was a very nice gesture,
not something to go buy in judging portfolio standings.
If jmh does add these stats i hope he'll consider changing the vote totals from being the
determiner of order in the monthly standings and replace it with the (IMHO) far more accurate PSCscore-or if that's hard to use then VPP for the month.
Votes show little of who is doing the best chopping, not when the highest voted image
posters arent even making it onto the monthly stats page at all.
For example-- in January - J-elzic created his = famous "port side" post-
he didn't even get on the list.
Is someone gonna disagree with me that J-elzic's pic was a better representation of the best PSC has to offer than some folks with medium level vpp's that posted twice everyday?
Location: Austin, TX
Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:20 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: not that it matters a hoot what I think but...
It is a "contest" site with community (allgedly) and as Goat said, 2nd and 3rd is a typical stat in most competition results. I dont think its excessive for this competition site either. How does it hurt those that dont care? It will help those that do.
We all use this site differently...some for competition, some for "community".
If you are here for the competition and standings, you look at the stats and use them for whatever "learning" or aggression you might get from the "top dogs".
however...if you're here for the "community", so what if there are more stats...dont look. I hardly ever look at the stats because I just dont care (maybe cuz Im never anywhere to be seen there  ) who the stats say is the "best" or 2nd "best"...I look at the chops and save the ones I like and laugh at the funny ones, cry at the sad ones and say WOW at the truely amazing... and sometimes vote.
as far as yet further results being asked for, I think JMH has shown a good understanding of what might be good for the site and what might not be (in most cases  ). Results like the ones others suggested in this thread as future requests are obviously useless and ridiculous examples of things that just wont happen.
thats my 2 cents, use it or dont...just dont ask me to look at the stats.
Good Day.
Very well said, Showcase. Thanks. I was just giving my opinion; I have been curious to see how many times someone has gotten close to winning -- especially those I think are really good artists and have no wins.'s really just out of curiosity and not out of competitiveness (is that a word?) ...I still fail to see how #ing 2nd and 3rd place finishes makes this a more competitive site... (?)
But in the end, it's up to JMH.
Location: Claremont
Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:44 pm Reply with quote
Quote: If jmh does add these stats i hope he'll consider changing the vote totals from being the determiner of order in the monthly standings and replace it with the (IMHO) far more accurate PSCscore-or if that's hard to use then VPP for the month.
Scion that is a great idea and it would be a welcomed change on my end [although I do think that there should be a min. number of entries (say around 5) much like on the alltime record stats]
Location: Austin, TX
Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:59 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: 2nd and 3rd place showings are a relatively new
addition to portfolios that jmh put in.I thought it was a very nice gesture,
not something to go buy in judging portfolio standings.
If jmh does add these stats i hope he'll consider changing the vote totals from being the
determiner of order in the monthly standings and replace it with the (IMHO) far more accurate PSCscore-or if that's hard to use then VPP for the month.
Votes show little of who is doing the best chopping, not when the highest voted image
posters arent even making it onto the monthly stats page at all.
For example-- in January - J-elzic created his = famous "port side" post-
he didn't even get on the list.
Is someone gonna disagree with me that J-elzic's pic was a better representation of the best PSC has to offer than some folks with medium level vpp's that posted twice everyday?
While I agree with some of your points, I still think the vote-total is a pretty good way to judge a monthly winner, as it shows both the amount of work a participant did (you have to do a lot of chops to win the month!) and hints at the parcipant's consistency (you have to do a lot of chops that get good amounts of votes to win the month). I mean, have you ever seen a "bad" participant *win* the month? (maybe you have -- I haven't been here for very long)
People will do amazing posts and get amazing amounts of votes to show for it (such as your J-elzic example). But I don't know if that should constitute winning for the month. I mean, we still remember that great post, even though he didn't appear on the board.
Just my opinion. 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:22 pm Reply with quote
The reason I , personally, would like to see a change goat--
is that the present system puts us in the position off all the game sites.
The guy who has nothing better to do than chop several hours everyday gets
the trophy by default.
Noone cares if you spent twenty hours or ten minutres when they are voting for what they think
is the better chop everyday-- so why should the guy who has twenty hours automatically get all the praise and worse yet be THE representation of PSC's best.
Maybe there's a happy medium-- make these changes but have a
"vote" where everyone at psc sends in a list of their top twenty favorite all-time PSC chops and then fairly put the twenty winners in a list at the very TOP
of the leader's page.
A "hall of Fame" based on nothing but what WE decide are the individual BEST of PSC.

Location: Old NewYork State ! Sex: Male. Age: Unknown
Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:58 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: Monthly leader stat goes by most votes- it is meaningless-- over HALF the winners
every month don't even get on the leader page AND HALF of the all time greatest chops didn't even get on the monthly leader page.
yep, that means you can post every single day with a 30-40 vote post and make it to the top of the list.
There's too many stats as it is right now, imo.
Location: Australia
Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:32 am Reply with quote
* Steps up to soapbox...clears throat...adjusts crotch...*
This is all great and good to get our views across, but who cares about the stats really, there nice to know but I always beleived this place was about the art...correct me if Im wrong but everone here is a winner, everyone here has an image they consider the best. Whats important is the way we compliment and help each other with whats important...The Art.
It's what we all have in common, it's what brings us to this site.
To me the votes are great...small or large...the best thing about this site is the comments, what people see in my art work and why they like it. Be it funny, serious or dark if it gets you to feel something different and want to make a comment then good, thats what makes this place great.
The art and the artists.
so lets not get hung up on the numbers, lets just enjoy the talent and the creativity of our fellow PSCers.
Steps down from soap box...waits for response...adjusts crotch again...well feels good OK
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:21 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: Whats important is the way we compliment and help each other with whats important...The Art.
It's what we all have in common, it's what brings us to this site.
so lets not get hung up on the numbers, lets just enjoy the talent and the creativity of our fellow PSCers.
BlueLurker, thats the problem, what if I DONT think the art is whats important. How many people post in the contests that DONT post in the forums. I havent done a formal count but Im willing to bet that more people post in the contests than do in the forums. Is it fair to say this majority is here for the competition? for the votes?
You cannot expect us all to use the site as you do. Im just saying that for those of us that use it for the "Art" then so what? so what if there are more stats? its not going to affect how I look at you or any other user or the images you or they post.
The bottom line is adding stats will not diminish what you and others get out of this site, but it might improve for some that are interested. Seems that would be good for the site? where is the harm in that?
The biggest problem I see is where? where do you put more stats? the stats page is already pretty full.
Im up to 4 cents now...soon, I'll have wasted all my pennies on this foolishness and wont be able to get my very own soapbox afterall...
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:40 am Reply with quote
wow, opened a tin of worms the size of texas here..... wonder what jmh actually thinks of all this 
Location: God's Country, Northern Michigan
Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:12 am Reply with quote
personally, I joined this site to learn, and grow in my psc skills. the votes are ok and let you know what your peers think but that is not the most important thing is it? seeing so many great and totally different perspectives on 1 single picture is worth 1000 words, so the saying goes. so for me, i learn, i create, and i learn some more, hopefully getting better with every entry. the comments are far more valuable than the votes in my opinion, they let us know how others view our art, and we all know 10 people can look at the same picture and have 10 different opinions, so who's to say who's right or wrong, it's what we take from it that matters most.
 my opinion 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:26 am Reply with quote
thanks for ya point tabby, and a fair point it is too.
Why are some people saying though that this idea will somehow magically make PSC a worse place, like showcase said, if people want to see stats they can, if they don't they don't have too. It's like a person complaining about a movie that was on at 10 at night because it had too much violence
we already have the 2nd and 3rds available as a standard mark now of the daily competiotions, so why exactly would it be the end of the world if the stats are made available on the.....duh duh da duh duh duh duuuuuuh (drumroll please)
this was a relatively simple idea I originally thought, and its great to see all sides of the argument. (apart from the one aimed personally at me, as I'm not sure why that need to happen)
I just feel I guess because I like the learning, the friendship and the competion sides of this impossably amazing site, that this will not actually effect anyone too much at all.
If it is so much of a bad thing, then why do we have the PSCore, the total win, the votes, hey why isnt this just like all the other wannabee "fun" photoshop sites out there.
this in my opinion is getting blow way past the original point I made, but hey like everyone says, thats just my opinion.
Location: God's Country, Northern Michigan
Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:33 am Reply with quote
point well received MB, do what you want with the stats, I don't think it will matter one iota. it may well just prove to enhance the site, but you're right about those who think otherwise, just don't look, no big deal  the ones who might put up a fuss are the statisticians -  :
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