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Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:54 pm Reply with quote
ha, check my portfolio, there are hundreds of undervoted entries 8-D
the other side of this voting-phenomenom is, that some awful crappy entries get 30 votes or even more, just because they are from some special members. if I would deliver such quality, I wouldnt get 10 votes with my popularity. but thats part of this game here, to whore for votes as much as you can! and I will not tell you concrete examples for crappy entries! of corse it is nice to get many votes for single entries, but I also see, that my vpp doubled in the last two months, and I learned a lot of new skills. this is much more success for me than having topscorers. and I am not lying 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:17 pm Reply with quote
Sometimes you see that it is not so much about Photoshop Skills as much as having a funny idea or a shocking one. Sometimes the shock value overrides the skill. That's one of the things that makes me nuts. Something can be slapped together badly but get votes because it's really funny. I like funny as much as the next person. I also like shocking and gross, but if you come into this contest thinking that it's all about skill. You may be disappointed. There are tons of skilled people here but they don't always get noticed for it. Changing the color of a shirt and making it look realistic is harder than cutting something out and pasting it into a funny situation but the cut and paste will always get the votes if its funny or shocking. Still, you figure this stuff out and you start adjusting the way you create things. You use a different thought process and it all works out in the end. Just like anything else in this world, sometimes you have to adjust to get where you want to be. This is still the most fun anyone can have on the web and still have thier pants on. Uhm...what I meant to say was.....oh.. nevermind. 
Location: Sunny S.Calif.
Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:34 pm Reply with quote
You mean you guys chop with your pants on??
I gotta say...its not really the votes just the chance to be creative. Drives my wife nuts but its fun none the less. I enjoy doing it...nice hobby really. And reyrey is right...isnt so much quality as topic.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:47 pm Reply with quote
i know i dont have near the skill to win any of these contests, but i sure love to make a good joke picture, but i do try to make it as real as i possibly can, including doing color correction which as Rey said is an artform in itself..
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:48 pm Reply with quote
tallwalker wrote: You mean you guys chop with your pants on??
I gotta say...its not really the votes just the chance to be creative. Drives my wife nuts but its fun none the less. I enjoy doing it...nice hobby really. And reyrey is right...isnt so much quality as topic.
i agree, its totally a chance for me to be creative, and get some of the wierdness out of my head. lol and yeah i have my pants on, my co-workers would probably kill me if i didnt
well im off till next monday, taking alittle vacation, i will miss the chopping for sure, but will come back with a fresh brain 
Location: West Virginia
Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:29 pm Reply with quote
Rey's right about the funny/shock value. Personally I prefer to do funny posts while making the picture look as realistic as possible. It doesn't always work, but I try my best.
I've gotten to fourth place before, without the advantage and I've seen a few that have made it into the top three without the advantage so I know it can be done.
I do enjoy the hobby of it all. It really does become one of your favortie past times. And, like tallwalker said, drives my wife nuts. I feel that all of this is a way to sharpen my skills as a graphic designer and learn much more (sadly enough, I've been photoshopping for years and just now started to use the clone tool) I hope that eventually I'll do a good enough job to make a first place entry, but until then, the ride is just as exciting.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:52 pm Reply with quote
Wow that one was seriously undervoted. That was incredible.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:13 pm Reply with quote
well I try to get around to those late post and take a peek.
but many these days are NOT getting my vote even though they are very good.
In fact I believe there has been a preponderance of late submitters who are getting quite a bit over-voted.
Location: Old Virginny
Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:39 pm Reply with quote
Feral Hamster wrote:
As for underappreciated artists, there's one guy who's pretty good but never gets any attention at has something to do with a tv show or mr. bill or something like that. Poor guy never gets any votes.
Yeah, I think I know who you mean. Even though he submits entries, he only wins 32.2% of the time and never gets above 100 votes. What a poor neglected soul!
Location: California
Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:26 pm Reply with quote
I believe this has become more of a social site than a hardcore Photoshop site. Many people live here (seemingly) and never vote or post, or rarely do. I've noticed in some cases that some members vote for friends who post a pic that day ... and probably never look at another entry in the contest (or at least don't vote for any). What's strange about this is that the depth and quality of the images has never been better IMO. An interesting paradox for sure.
With the number of entries in each contest, who really has the time to look through everything and be thorough ... it is tough. A great entry is more easily overlooked because of this. Sometimes work swallows up all my time, and I don't vote for weeks. When I still chopped it was getting to the point that if you didn't hang around the first page on day 1, you were buried amongst the mountain of pictures. And I think that is even more the case now. Popularity and human nature will always sway things a bit too, and that shouldn't be a surpise. Certain names will get automatic views, and automatic votes in some cases. I could cite what I consider flat out bad pics that actually won contests (my opinion of course), and the ideas were not even that creative. But names sell ... why do you think Tiger Woods dwarfs his golf income with advertisement income? It is what it is.
A few people mentioned what is really the most important thing, that you learn and are happy with your own images. It's fun to get votes and recognition, and exciting when you have a chance to win a contest ... but that has always paled in comparison to the feeling I get when I pull off an effect I didn't know I could do.
_________________ "I play like I'm breaking out of jail." - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Location: Australia
Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:04 am Reply with quote
Yep read all this and want to say just one thing, win loose or draw, vote dont vote, post dont post. If ya having fun then enjoy the moment, store it and move on.
Its still my fav site and I think it always will be...
Queen La Tiff
Location: MI
Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:26 pm Reply with quote
I agree with Bluesbro...on everything he said. Personally, I'm still thrilled to death to have broken my personal record of 33 votes for a post yesterday.
I think there's a certain amount of "paying dues" around here, but that's only fair when you think about it. I think it takes a while to be taken seriously.
Bottom line, though--I've been working with Photoshop since 1998, and what I've learned through these contests has doubled my knowledge in less than six months.
Something else that struck me recently: We all seem to agree that this is the best site on the net for photo-chopping contests (at least I think so), and so it stands to reason that the best choppers are here. Keeping that in mind makes me not care about votes at all (and it's a good thing  ).
I'm choking up a bit here--but, putting things into perspective, to even compete against some of these people is quite an honor. If I ever break the top ten, I'll probably shit twice and die (excuse the vulgarity--sometimes I have to curse just to prove my damn point).
Location: Somerville MA
Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:07 pm Reply with quote
Some of these new people here are really good!..they can surprise you"~
it never ceases to amaze me how creative people can get! novice or pro"..the human imagination is a miracle and a wonder to behold! this has been some of the most quality spent time in my life as an artist"
learning and enjoying so many great works of art, graphic design and gif's..PSC has challenged me to grow and raise my personal standard as an artist" I love this site!!  I've had some good laughs too!  and met some awesome people. I hope everyone improves their photoshop skills and has fun without taking it too serious"..  my opinion is to vote for what you like" whatever the skill level may be" everyone has different tastes,.. 
Location: the sunny side of NY
Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:09 pm Reply with quote
vote for me!! vote for me!!!  just kidding
sometimes its really hard to vote...
you guys never cease to amaze me 
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