Hey how cool is this little game, nice one Ms. R
ok here are my random needs
Marco needs to take immediate action to ensure Sabby’s safety
( I'm on my way Sabby, don't worry )
Marco needs to “sooth the itch”
( actually I do, got a bugger of an itch on my left shoulder )
Marco needs to spend some time with the twins.
( I do???.... Ok i'll just go find some to spend that quality time with..... hope they like to chop )
Marco needs to get into the world and do something so it doesn’t explode
( hmmmmmm lol

ooook, this one sounds both hard to do, and critical that I must do it, so again, off I go )
Marco needs time to think things through when he meets new language or when he has to understand the instructions for a task. In fact, he will often sit for hours, just thinking
( hey, ok sometimes I take my time, but I don't just sit here
