HK Your just so "on the ball", that you take it for granted that everyone else is.
Consider for a moment that although they are all so cute and cuddly and oh
so whittty, that maybe, just maybe a whole bunch of them,
"don't get it".
Yup, hate to inform you my friend, but a whole lotta them innanities you been spreading around all this time?? Yeah, this may hurt, but many of them
went un-deciphered.
In fact there are a few people that tried to translate them as silliness.
Incredible as it may seem, handing the whole world the secrets of the GODS,
Freaking Norse Gods even,and expecting them to gain from the knowledge, HA!!
They didn't know what they were looking AT, and used most of it
I am so sorry my Brother-man from another Mother-land.
HEY!!! On a much lighter note!!! Guess what!!!! Word is Mjolnir's been FOUND~!~!
It's in a safety deposit box in New Jersey!!! Turns out some illegal alien guy from Canada
who was thumbing his way south , was using it for driving in the tent stakes
on the lil' home made teepee he was sleeping in.
Amazing how a thing can be so hard to find, and then, SMACK!! it's right where you
should have looked in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!