*Deep breath...straigthens tie...stands on soapbox...its a lot to read I know
...but here goes*
Over the pass couple of weeks, there has been a great deal of forum topics about, ideas and changes to make this site better, or fairer.
This is well and good, and like all people here I love the debate and the interchange of ideas and opinions. Any thing to make this place better, is a great idea…but…yep always a but huh.
Better than what?
I started my obsession with image manipulation, or "photo decoupage" doing image fixes for friends, I was a hack, had no idea of what I was doing but I was doing it better than my group of friends.( Still a hack I know)
Cut my teeth doing some air brush work for a few Adult sites

, and got some fame doing funny chops of site members at the same sites. It was fun and playing with the images was cool.
Found a little site called Gods awakening and met some more PS users and started to learn how to use PS a little better, from there I found FARK.FARK was fun and rough and ready and quick, more for the comic value than the technical and very clicky. It was still missing that one thing I needed.
Went from there to Worth1000, great images but to restrained and controlled and has many problems with voting and political games. Found a few clone sites of Worth and stayed for a little while, but they all had there problems.
Found this place and yep we have a few problems now and then and yep the voting system aint great, but it’s better than what is out there, and fair...well no system can be completly fair but this one aint as bad as most beleive me.
It has the family feel, with the added teaching quality I needed. I let my kids see my work here and love the attention I get from them when viewing others work. We all work at different levels and different skills, but we all get to post our best work with out being hampered by a restrictive set of rules. People here are friendly and most of the time open and honest, yes there have been some moments of conflict and deceit.
Yes I’m sure that there are many things that can be improved here and I’m sure we will always have topics posted about the votes and advantage and stats and anything else. Agree or not you get to have your say and you don’t get silenced for having an opinion, unless its way outa line.
I love this place and the people and the idealism, it’s the best PS related site out there and we know it or why be here.
So thanks to JMH and all the mods and all the artists and all the visitors and anyone else who takes the time to look post or comment?