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Location: Glendale, Az.
Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:51 am Reply with quote
Just talked to Claudiokly in Brazil. 10:30 AM there-6:30AM here in Arizona. Worked like a charm. Great audio connection-very clean. Time differences could be an issue, so probably a good idea to arrange a schedule beforehand, if there is any doubt about the availability of the other party due to work, time differences etc. 
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:51 am Reply with quote
Just talked to Claudiokly in Brazil. 10:30 AM there-6:30AM here in Arizona. Worked like a charm. Great audio connection-very clean. Time differences could be an issue, so probably a good idea to arrange a schedule beforehand, if there is any doubt about the availability of the other party due to work, time differences etc.
I guess we should call Easterly not to get some one at 3 in the AM, unless that's prearranged
Location: Netherlands
Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:31 pm Reply with quote
I tried skype once some while ago, with a lousy headset. Didn't like it so I got rid of it. Now bought a great sennheisser headset. Wow, I'm convinced. This is great. So PM me with all of your skype names and I will call you day and night.
Edit- please attach your timezone, so I won't embarass myself by calling you in compromising situations 
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: Netherlands
Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:58 am Reply with quote
common people, where are all these PM's now. Is there really nobody out there that wants to speak to me 
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:32 am Reply with quote
Before I had a headset I just used a small microphone and the sound comes thruogh the Pc speakers. Just a little less private. like speaker phone mode on the tele.
Location: Netherlands
Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Spoke to Seamusoisin today. It is really scary how good the connection is. Like Pat said, as if you're in the same room. SKYPE for world domination 
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun May 07, 2006 5:41 pm Reply with quote
we eat spammer for breakfast, and it's always breakfast time somewhere in photoshop land
Location: Back where I belong.
Sun May 07, 2006 10:04 pm Reply with quote
blogGreen88 wrote: blah...blah...blah...blah...blah... blah...blah...blah...blah...SPAM... blah...blah...blah...blah... blah...blah...blah...More Spam blah...blah...blah...blah...blah... Even more Spam blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:31 pm Reply with quote
the skype line is now open...time to call in
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:55 am Reply with quote
Cynn wrote: HA, Bud.
The problem I've had with Skype and a Mac is that for some reason, the microphone portion of a headset never seems to work. The earphones work, just not the mic. I've tried two different brands, and contacted their technical support people and everything. It's kooky.
There was also a thing with trying to install the OSX version, but that could be fixed, now.
I'm not all that much of a phone person, so it's not really an issue for me, but it's a heads-up for other Macheads. 
I have no problem with my skype on my mac therefore splodge will be stuck talking to a mac user...hahahaha. Not sure what the problem is with yours. I downloaded it about 3 months ago and began right away using it on my mac with no problems. I already have it on my computer so I'm in. To all. you definitely need headphones when using it cause of the feedback. When someone talks through the speaker it goes right back into your mic so that's important otherwise your going to have alot of echoeing going on with 50 ppl.
Location: Australia
Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:15 pm Reply with quote
Ok Im interested in this but not sure what Im ment to do so some one pm with what ever links I need and a step by step thingy for what I have ta do...oh and do Ineed to get any thing like the mic and stuff 
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