Yay! I'm the first person to vote for 'i'm uncarring about my votes' (not that i dont like them....i just photomanip stuff here for the fun of testing my skills....nothing to get overly worked up about)
Any way... as far as how to not get votes... here are a few ideas....
1) Submit pictures which are so dark/light that they look like a big black or white square with sime hint that MAYBE something is in there and no amount of photoenhancments will ever show what your picture really was
2) Submit pictures which are 2 color gifs for images with tens of thousands of colors used
3) Submit a picture which has absolutly nothing to do with the contest you are submitting it for
4) Blur the image so badly no one will ever identify what it is
5) If you ever slip up and get a lot of votes, brag and boast about it on every forum you possibly can until your name becomes the running joke of what to call people who brag
6) Don't tell people you dont want votes - they may give you votes just out of spite if they believe you (this has happened once at some lil photoshop group i was once in....talk about the ultimate applied reverse psycology...the bugger actually WON because of it!! o.O)
7) Never sign up for photoshopcontest.com in the first place, if you dont sign up, you cant post, if you cant post you cannot get votes.

Make sure your cutouts are painfully bad quality with at least a 50 px extra around the image (and some places parts of the image cut into where it looks horribly bad)
9) Try and sue every one who votes for you on grounds of 'psychological trauma' due to them violating your desire to not have votes.
10) Make horribly un-pc references in your images for no reason at all (ie: work in hitler as a 'good-guy' even if it has nothing to do with the rest of the image at all)
11) Make a highly unpopular political statment (ie: say the president is horrid/great when the majority of the other people feel the opposite)
12) Use a blue on red color scheme in such a way as to blind everyone who looks at the image.
Hmm that should do it for now... =)