Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - Tips For NOT Getting Votes - Reply to topic
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Votes - What Up? |
I am frantically concerned about my votes |
27% |
[ 15 ] |
I am extremelly uncaring about my votes |
14% |
[ 8 ] |
I am feverishly mindful of my new haircut |
16% |
[ 9 ] |
If I had a better haircut I'd get more votes |
40% |
[ 22 ] |
Total Votes: 54
Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:30 am Reply with quote
"Back in my day, all the Photoshoppers could run circles around all these whippersnappers here today. All these new people are overrated, undertalented and overconfident. In fact, I once made an image so perfect, it was enshrined in the Louvre. You kids don't even know what it was like back in the old days of PSC. We spent hours on a chop, got 3 votes, and we liked it!!"
Anyway, my tips for getting votes:
1. In real life, things are constantly in motion, you must use the motion blur accordingly. Can't emphasize that enough. Someone walking in a hallway? Well, walking is motion, so it's motion blur time. Car driving down the street? Serious motion. Blur the wheels, the scenery, the back of the car...the longer the blur trailing off the car, the faster the car is going. It's science.
2. Add a lens flare whenever possible. It is an awesome effect, and no one will know that you simply used a filter...they'll think you got a doctorate in optics and painstakingly recreated the effect. The great thing about lens flare is that you can put it anywhere, and it still looks perfect. Don't worry about matching its angle to the light source...just throw it in there and wait for the votes to pour in. And don't think that a candle in the middle of a brightly-lit room can't create a lens flare, because they can. Anything that involves light should include a lens flare.
Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:44 am Reply with quote
In fact, I once made an image so perfect, it was enshrined in the Louvre[quote][/quote]
you too ?I'm exhibiting there next summer, I hope we'll meet then
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:02 am Reply with quote
I once actually touched a Monet'.
You know, his paintings are full of bits of brush hairs and dirt.
Location: Old Virginny
Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:53 am Reply with quote
Feral Hamster wrote: "We spent hours on a chop, got 3 votes, and we liked it!!"
I actually tried that once but I didn't like it at all so now I try for more than 3. I mean, 3 is such a small number. I don't feel good until I get at least 5.
Location: Old Virginny
Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:08 pm Reply with quote
Feral Hamster wrote: "
Anyway, my tips for getting votes:
1. In real life, things are constantly in motion, you must use the motion blur accordingly. Can't emphasize that enough. Someone walking in a hallway? Well, walking is motion, so it's motion blur time. Car driving down the street? Serious motion. Blur the wheels, the scenery, the back of the car...the longer the blur trailing off the car, the faster the car is going. It's science.
2. Add a lens flare whenever possible. It is an awesome effect, and no one will know that you simply used a filter...they'll think you got a doctorate in optics and painstakingly recreated the effect. The great thing about lens flare is that you can put it anywhere, and it still looks perfect. Don't worry about matching its angle to the light source...just throw it in there and wait for the votes to pour in. And don't think that a candle in the middle of a brightly-lit room can't create a lens flare, because they can. Anything that involves light should include a lens flare.
Dear Mr Hamster,
I tried your advice on todays entry and have had some astounding success. Thank you so much for pointing this out. Motion blur and lens flare have done the trick and I think I might even get my target 5+ votes to boot!
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:12 pm Reply with quote
Here is a very honest tip for not getting a vote from me.
Allow me to click on your image and (Lord knows I TRY
to ignore them), let my eye catch on one of the
"I like the colors you chose and the perspective of the composition" *COUGH!*
" NICE Changing of the perspective on of the source,BOB!"*COUGH*
vote /comments and I may very likely become frustrated enough
to rather leave the page than purview the image.
Sad but true,There's a lot of very nice images I run into later and wish I had given a vote,
but I got too distracted at the time.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:14 pm Reply with quote
Guess I'll go back to the mountains... I can't live here anymore now that the LED is DEAD... 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:36 pm Reply with quote
You're DEAD I tell you!

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: East Coast!
Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:20 am Reply with quote
this techniuqe will earn you loads of votes
1. open file
2. take screenshot
3. paste it into a new document
4. save it
5. title it : hard at work with PS
6. post it
try and highlight how you can use highly advanced photoshop techniques like Lasoo in Quick mask!!!!! and the puzzling layers!!!!!
try to do this subtly like i do.
_________________ Look out behind you!
Queen La Tiff
Location: MI
Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:40 pm Reply with quote
Now I get it. All this time I thought it was about having thick, rough white edges in the corners of my MOUTH...but they go on the post. Back to the chopping block.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:59 am Reply with quote
OK heres a good one....
Be known for making a certain kind of image either: Bloody or ArtsyFartsy or in my case Funny....
then try to do something off of your normal path... watch the votes pass you by
I will now go back to my dancing...
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:36 pm Reply with quote
Reasons I won't vote for a post---
1) The author goes on and on about how long it took to make it, including all the steps and efforts that went into its creation. Why? Because we all put effort into making something others will look at and hopefully like. Duh!
2) Anything that has the PSC logo in it. Why? I know what site I'm at and why I'm here.
3) Please stop writing UNDERVOTED PEOPLE C'MON VOTE FOR THIS. It will either get votes based on its own merit or it won't. If they're your friend, then YOUR vote should mean something extra TO THEM. I have occasionally written "why is this down here" more to respect the author than trying to force others to vote for it.
4) People who think that getting votes from some elite persons here count more than from a newbie who just completed their 10th chop and can finally vote. If that's the case, please let me know you're not interested in MY measly little vote and I'll oblige.
5) Blatantly sexually or gross posts. Why? Because it insults my intellegence. Now if it's funny sexual or gross, that's different. Manass IS funny, btw.
6) Obvious uncreative posts. We've all had brain block. If that's the case, try another day's source. Don't try to explain it by saying, I didn't have time to do a decent chop so look at this crap instead.
Okay, that's all! If this helps just one person, then I haven't wasted anyone's time.
Happy choppin'!!!! 
Location: JiangXi, China
Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:26 am Reply with quote
Only have a crude, rudimentary understanding of PS. Works for me!
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