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Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:42 am Reply with quote
OK, i was talking to some of the lads and lasses about this subject and dreamweaver last night at the pub, they deciced i was a magician, that was cool, then they decided they wanted to burn me on a bombfire, not so cool, damn pagans,,,,
Location: Australia
Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:00 pm Reply with quote
Just had the typical conversation with my Boss.
Was sitting in the crib room, doing a chop on my old lap top, fine tuning. (Playing on the computer they call it). The boss walked in and asked…
BOSS-“what ya doing mate”
ME- “Just removing some parts of this image here”
BOSS-“Why what’s wrong with the picture”
ME-“Nothing, it is for a Photoshop Contest, you see they put up a daily image and then people get to change it…..” gets interrupted here.
BOSS- “Do you get a prize if you win…like money or stuff”
ME- deep sigh “No it’s for the fun and the skill”
BOSS- “Oh so ya doing it for nothing then” fiddles around in his shirt pocket
ME-“Yeah I do it for nothing”
BOSS- “Here”, hands me photo of him and his wife,” could ya give the Missus bigger boobs and me look a bit more buff”
ME-“Yeah sure” under breath...”want me to add some brains whilst Im at it.
Boss-“Cool…um could ya cut the missus out and put Paris Hilton in the picture”
ME-“Shit is that the time…I better get back on the clock…see me later”.
So life goe's on.
Location: montreal
Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:06 pm Reply with quote
i had to give up MY photoshop life style because it got in the way of my goat fucker lifestyle
_________________ beefhead said: beet, how did you make the girl puke at regular speed?
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:17 pm Reply with quote
Hilario,My Bud, stopped me in my car today leaving work-
His girlfriend ripped up every picture he owned that had him in it--
I get to repair and reprint them all.
Can't say no to fixing them, people get pretty
upset about losing all their "memory" pictures,
People run into burning buildings to save those pictures. 
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:37 am Reply with quote
my typical PSC-day starts at 8 in the morning when i boot my pc in my office where i work in a marketing-departement of a home-loan-bank (or building society). how many votes came in overnight? after voting for new entries i watch my portolio (most recent) and refresh each 10 minutes at least. beside i have an excel-sheet for some extra statistics and a powerpoint as an archive of my entries and the originals. also im going on to watch for new entries. beside this, i do my work, of which ps cs1 is a part of.
On 2 in the afternoon its time for the new pic of the day. after a short view over the first entries of the advantage-members to check which ideas already exist, i start with my chop. the last month i produced two entries per contest most days to win the "number of votes" in july ... after two hours of chopping, when noone in the office should disturb me, i go home by subway. On most of the days i am ready with my entries at this point, but sometimes i boot my home pc (with ps 6) and chop on. of course i vote for the entries of the other members too and have some views to the forums.
In the evening-hours computer is still running and all half hours i refresh and vote for new entries. my girlfriend is very very supportive and commends my entries, but sometimes i feel, that my engagement for psc is too much for her. i am a junkie ...
ps: on weekends its the same, but without office!
Location: Duketown
Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:43 am Reply with quote
Girlfriend: "Why is it that you're always in that silly PSC chatroom when you could also talk to me?"
AtHeaMo: * sighs *
Location: Australia
Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:05 am Reply with quote
For all th enew guy's n gal' whats changed now your additced....
Location: Yorkshire,
Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:41 am Reply with quote
i have made a new friend,,,honest,,, a real 3d friend, he's a barman at the hallcross and a student at donny collage, studying multi media, flash, dreamweaver and photoshop.
we talk technical shite for hours, that realy pisses the others off, now thay want to throw both of us on a bonfire 
Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:42 am Reply with quote
I dont enjoy PS as I used to because I now do it for work.Having to find ideas and make good pics not to get votes or recognition, but pay the bills is not amusing at all.It's work.When I meet fellow PSers we talk about everyhting but PS, cause it's work.Tough to see it as a passion.Still,PS is that much an important part of my life that I made a huge effort to buy an imac so I can PS properly.
Ps is the first tool in the history of art that allows users to produce realistic art.Imagine if you could show photo montages to people who lived in the 60's, they 'd think it's real.
Now imagine Leonardo or Michelangelo with PS.Or Escher.Still, we have the right tool but cannot match these people's talent ...there's a couple of such geniuses every millenium.So I guess I'm a part of the genius wouldliketobes who have fun with PS without any impact.
Location: God's Country, Northern Michigan
Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:40 am Reply with quote
the typical photochopper is one no one but a fellow photochopper can understand. for me when I get in to what I call the "zone" I can sit for hours and work on a picture and not even realize time has gone by and there are times when you JUST GOTTA CHOP! Only a true photochopper will understand this and for that reason we all hear "how can you sit at that computer for so long" or something of the like. yes, indeed we are a true breed, strange yet oddly normal. so don't get discouraged and don't despair, there are those of us out there who understand 
_________________ "Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."
- Jimi Hendrix
Location: Back where I belong.
Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:30 pm Reply with quote
Boy I'm glad this thread came up again. I can totally relate blue. I'm a COBOL programmer (stop snickering!) so this is a hobby/outlet for me as well.
My wife and kids play musical instruments. My wife is into rubber stamping, scrapbooking, and interior decorating. My daughter shares her mother's talents in stamping and scrapbooking. My son plays three instruments and is quite the skateboarder. He's also getting interested in chopping (hasn't tried anything but asks how my chops do in the vote and how I did them).
Me? I got nothin' until I found PSC. I used to be in martial arts (Tae Kwon Do, 1st degree black belt thank you very much). But I haven't been able to afford that in 15 years. So now instead of chopping pine boards and collar bones I chop photos!
My wife doesn't understand our hobby at all. To her mind it's easy because the computer software does all the work. It's not until I showed her what's involved that she knows it's not easy. Then it's too complicated so she loses interest. Meh....
At least she finally understands that THIS is MY creative outlet. Now she'll see me sitting on the couch with my laptop and she'll ask "What're ya doin'?". When I tell her (or she sees the screen) she says "I should have known". 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:49 pm Reply with quote
ledirlo wrote:
Now imagine Leonardo or Michelangelo with PS.Or Escher.Still, we have the right tool but cannot match these people's talent ...there's a couple of such geniuses every millenium.So I guess I'm a part of the genius wouldliketobes who have fun with PS without any impact.
HA! My apologies if you may have thought I'd stolen your thoughts. I said a very similar thing two days later In "the other creative outlets" Thread.
I was thinking about DaVinci most af all.
You have a beautiful mind Led.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:57 pm Reply with quote
The style of my life as a chopper-for-hire is both GLAMOROUS and DANGEROUS.
At ANY moment I could make a BAD ARTISTIC or TECHNICAL choice and then ALL HELL will break loose upon me and all that I love.
Yet, should I make the CORRECT choice then I shall have glory rivalling that of even Batman or the Green Lantern.
A crazy life, to be sure, but at least I'm not Ledirlo!! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Australia
Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:56 am Reply with quote
Bumped for the new year and the new members...add your story to this lifestyle thread...
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