I've filled this reply form with pages worth of responses over the last few days.
I am very thankful for the supportive attitude, and co-celebrators.
I feel good when I do a good chop and it gets some recognition.
This wasn't like that
Let me tell you. What an unexpected turn of events. A chop,
that was just the expression of a choppers desire to chop what
that chopper finds pleasing, gets voted heavily and actually sets a record.
It's just so different from what I've come to expect.
Showcase wrote:
you are completely wrong. I'd go into why but I don't want to spoil Scion's high. Start a different thread if you want to question the votes...but don't spoil his success here.
Showcase is correct. I think that image set three records.
Most votes on a Sunday and least votes for a winning entry on second and third days
of contest-- well, at least this year.
If not the least on second and third days- very close to it.
Check it yourself anyone who felt 'no longer active members' came out of the woodwork to vote- quite the opposite happened.
I was embarrassed, shocked, I celebrated the win-
I would have for anyone that had such an accepted chop.
Anyone who wishes to take on the debate of whether it is deserving,
whether site politics were involved, anything anyone may have held back thinking it was in poor taste to speak of such things---

Go for it. I have no ego and do not bruise, I love honesty,
Good or bad, I love honesty.
............. I state my position on the subject now .......................
I believe the image stands on it's own. I believe if nearly anyone else posted it,
it would have had more votes.........HA! I'm baaaaaa-----aaaaaaaaaaack
Marco, Thanks for the embarrassing thread
Special note: J-elzic, that image getting your support, of all peoples,
is just overwhelmingly cool. I have nothing but the utmost respect for your attitude.
Shoot, I was gonna reply with a poem and forgot...lucky you.