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Location: CO
Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:33 am Reply with quote
I have not had time to research and see if these ideas have been posted. All of these are in the interest of fairness AND maximizing voting by all participants.
1. On the page you encounter after voting, include an option to proceed to the next entry. Having to back up and locate the NEXT link is counterproductive to easy voting (therefore, needlessly discouraging voting in general).
2. If # 1 cannot be accommodated, then at least make it easier to find the NEXT link when returning to the previous page. If there are a lot of votes, you have to scroll to locate it. Maybe it used to be like what I am about to suggest before (and then changed to the current layout since then), but wouldn't it be much more consistent to move the vote/comment box to the top so people could do so without scrolling/reading (should they be short on time, or simply don't want to be bothered with the digressed minutia to which some comments find themselves devolving)? There are enough outside interruptions in everyone's life to reduce voting activity. I assert that any needless obstacles should be reduced, if at all possible.
3. While I understand the economic nature of promoting paying contributors, there should be a much more convenient way to access NEW entries for the purposes of voting. It absolutely makes no sense for me to always see the entries that I have already voted for when I visit the contest page (default sort). And if I have already viewed any entries, when I am in "voting mode," it should only show me those I have not reviewed. I understand that this functionality could be a difficult nut to crack.
4. Wouldn't it make more sense to make the number of votes that are able to be cast a percentage of the number of entries? 25 could be too high for few entries, and conversely, too low for many entries. This would also help the oft-mentioned problem of "running out of votes," should the number of entries - especially those that were submitted late - was very high at any given time, for example.
...My two pennies...
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:15 am Reply with quote
hey taz, interesting points, heres what I think
#1.... this may be a good idea, and I see your point, I however always open any contest entry into a new window, then if I vote or comment all I have to do is close the window, but I can definately see an advantage in having a next link, since we do on all the entries currently.
#2 .... I understand your point here to, although I like to read the comments and votes, I can understand some will not have the time, or can be bothered to at all. Maybe there is a middle ground on this, but IMO I like it how it is.
#3 .... This point I don't agree with, maybe I'm being biased as an advantage member, but if you post you image first, it should be first on the default screen. I can see what you are saying, but at the same time, I don't see the logic of the newer entries pushing the paying members way down to page 6 or 7, that to me doesn't make sense. Its like sponsoring a charity event with you business and having you brand logo only displayed on the underside of a desk where no one will see it.
#4 .... hmmmm percentage votes, now this would be and odd one, because the number of entries will constantly be rising, the average is about 18 -20 from the get go in a comp, and this can rise to around 80 in some cases. I don't think this will work.
a) it would take some clever coding not to melt the servers because of the constant updating of this facility.
b) like you have said before, people who have little time usually set a period of time to vote, what if they want to vote 25 entries and they end up with only 16 votees?
anyway, some valid points made and good points for discussion
nice one Taz
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:12 am Reply with quote
Very well thought out ideas. I am stinking impressed.
Maybe the thumbnail view option of
"view all entries" coulp be a default option choice in your profile settings.
IF jmh doesn't think it'll eat up too much bandwidth.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:41 am Reply with quote
personally im still in favor of 'anonymous' entries until after the contest is over. this way people are voting on GOOD work and not namesake. you can then put under the entry.... entry 001, 002 and so forth. depending on entry time... and at the end of the contest there can be a listing of names and people can see who they actually voted for.. i dont know how easy or much of a pain in the arse this would be. to do... i just think it would curb alot of 'friendly' votes. and let the 'work' do the talking instead... my2¢
oh and taz i agree, i like the next link button.
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:13 am Reply with quote
I had made the suggestion for the "next" link to appear on the vote/confirmation page a while back. But it apparently got lost because in the same post I had another request for something that was already implemented and I was blind to.
As for the % voting I don't think that's a good idea because of the fluid nature of the entries. No matter what jmh does there will still be members who run out of votes and some that don't use all (or any) of theirs.
I'm not against the idea of anonymous voting but I don't think it's a solution either. If anything I'm afraid it might increase the instances of vote whoring. With PMs and email it's all too easy to let your friends know which chop is yours.
Personally I bring up the contest's first picture and step through each one in the default sequence. When I hit one that I've already voted on and I don't have time to read the newer comments then I justI click "Next". Maybe it's the joys of broadband vs. dial-up but I don't mind this situation.
I see a couple different ways to look at the entries:
1. Bring up the thumbnail page and set it to show all entries. This way you can view them in a new window, or tab for Firefox users  , and click the thumb of those that pique your interest. I used to do this until I found that the thumbs often don't do justice to the actual image.
2. Same as above but sort by "most recent".
3. Use the default settings and go through the pics one-by-one. Yes this is more time consuming but you're less likely to miss a really great chop.
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:31 am Reply with quote
the first one is a nice idea. A good example oh how this works is you click on the picture list to see the pics, like here, but then if you click a pic to see the full version, it has, in this order, a "previous" buton, an "index" button, and a "next" buton. I always found this pretty convienient. it does speed up the viewing, too.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: NYC
Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:31 pm Reply with quote
I have a suggestion:
I think that people should be handicapped a certain number of votes according to the following:
New member (first entry): +5 votes
Kinda new member (under 25 posts): +3 votes
Old member (under 100 posts): -10 votes
Old member (over 100 posts): -20 votes
Have never won a contest: +10 votes
Have already won 1 contest: -5 votes
Have won 2 contests: -10 votes
Have won 3-5 contests: -40 votes
Have won more than 5 contests: exempt from posting, until everyone else has had a turn winning
Time able to spend on entry:
10 minutes: +5 votes
30 minutes: +3 votes
1 hour: +1 vote
2 hours: -5 votes
5+ hours: -20 votes, plus phone number of reputable escort service
Satisfaction with your entry
Love it: +25 votes
Looks shitty, but you worked really hard on it: +20 votes
Didn't turn out as planned, but still ok: +10 votes
Hate it: +40 votes (to lift self-esteem)
You're a good person, and if people only knew that they'd give you the votes you deserve: +50 votes
Having a bad hair day: +2 votes
Stubbed toe: +5 votes
Found out (s)he just wasn't that into you: +7 votes
Was constantly picked last in gym class: +25 votes
Have no friends: +30 votes
Have friends, but suspect that they talk about you behind your back: +10 votes
Have too many friends to keep track of: -15 votes
Mother didn't show you enough affection: +20 votes
Then, life will finally be fair.
Location: Germany
Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:40 pm Reply with quote
weird ejh...
but this comes up with a new idea.... why only one vote for one pic...
why can't we make as example three votes... one for: style, one for: technique, and one for overall look something like this.?!?!! i think this is an extremly good idea... so the standings can sorted by style, technique etc... that'll be cool - imo.. just a thought...
- kooi
_________________ -.-
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:16 pm Reply with quote
#1 has been implemented.
#2 after looking at some other sites, I agree that the next button should be at the top. when the site gets it's next facelift this will be implimented.
#3 no.
#4 good thought, the voting system is not up for debate at the moment though. usage has been up and complaints way down since the last revision.
Thanks for your ideas, all of you!
taz0mania wrote: I have not had time to research and see if these ideas have been posted. All of these are in the interest of fairness AND maximizing voting by all participants.
1. On the page you encounter after voting, include an option to proceed to the next entry. Having to back up and locate the NEXT link is counterproductive to easy voting (therefore, needlessly discouraging voting in general).
2. If # 1 cannot be accommodated, then at least make it easier to find the NEXT link when returning to the previous page. If there are a lot of votes, you have to scroll to locate it. Maybe it used to be like what I am about to suggest before (and then changed to the current layout since then), but wouldn't it be much more consistent to move the vote/comment box to the top so people could do so without scrolling/reading (should they be short on time, or simply don't want to be bothered with the digressed minutia to which some comments find themselves devolving)? There are enough outside interruptions in everyone's life to reduce voting activity. I assert that any needless obstacles should be reduced, if at all possible.
3. While I understand the economic nature of promoting paying contributors, there should be a much more convenient way to access NEW entries for the purposes of voting. It absolutely makes no sense for me to always see the entries that I have already voted for when I visit the contest page (default sort). And if I have already viewed any entries, when I am in "voting mode," it should only show me those I have not reviewed. I understand that this functionality could be a difficult nut to crack.
4. Wouldn't it make more sense to make the number of votes that are able to be cast a percentage of the number of entries? 25 could be too high for few entries, and conversely, too low for many entries. This would also help the oft-mentioned problem of "running out of votes," should the number of entries - especially those that were submitted late - was very high at any given time, for example.
...My two pennies...
Location: Yorkshire,
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:38 pm Reply with quote
i sugested #1 months ago, noone listens to me 
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:52 pm Reply with quote
I had time to do it today, some days I dont and make a note. I try to get around to all of them when I have the time.
splodge wrote: i sugested #1 months ago, noone listens to me 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:56 pm Reply with quote
jmh, you rule! i dont know of any other site that takes its peoples suggestions more than this one!!!
Location: Hudson, Canada
Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:36 pm Reply with quote
splodge: what?
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:12 pm Reply with quote
EJH wrote: I have a suggestion:
I think that people should be handicapped a certain number of votes according to the following:
New member (first entry): +5 votes
Kinda new member (under 25 posts): +3 votes
Old member (under 100 posts): -10 votes
Old member (over 100 posts): -20 votes
Have never won a contest: +10 votes
Have already won 1 contest: -5 votes
Have won 2 contests: -10 votes
Have won 3-5 contests: -40 votes
Have won more than 5 contests: exempt from posting, until everyone else has had a turn winning
Time able to spend on entry:
10 minutes: +5 votes
30 minutes: +3 votes
1 hour: +1 vote
2 hours: -5 votes
5+ hours: -20 votes, plus phone number of reputable escort service
Satisfaction with your entry
Love it: +25 votes
Looks shitty, but you worked really hard on it: +20 votes
Didn't turn out as planned, but still ok: +10 votes
Hate it: +40 votes (to lift self-esteem)
You're a good person, and if people only knew that they'd give you the votes you deserve: +50 votes
Having a bad hair day: +2 votes
Stubbed toe: +5 votes
Found out (s)he just wasn't that into you: +7 votes
Was constantly picked last in gym class: +25 votes
Have no friends: +30 votes
Have friends, but suspect that they talk about you behind your back: +10 votes
Have too many friends to keep track of: -15 votes
Mother didn't show you enough affection: +20 votes
Then, life will finally be fair.
OM-FREAKIN-G that's hilarious! Gotta keep that one.
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:43 pm Reply with quote
When you say putting the next button on top, JMH, do you mean above the picture? I just think it should be on the page with the pic as well. (In case I don't vote for the picture.) That way, I could go to the next entry still w/o having to vote on the previous entry. I think thats what you meant, but if not, then here is another opinion.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
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