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Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:19 am Reply with quote
I hear so many opionions about the fact marcoballistic is a vote whore and doesn't deserve his votes in pms and ims that I dont understand why people dont dare to say it here...
not speaking for me of course, as I'm a coward (french), but this is what they all say :
marcoballistic is a vote whore, he doesn't deserves the wins, and he fucks up the whole contests for his ego matters .
thank you
Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:38 am Reply with quote
You want to speak up? Well then maybe some of us who disagree should speak up, too.
ledirlo, what an obnoxious, assholish thing to post. I don't know what your fixation with marco is, but it ain't healthy. In all the months i've known marco, the only time i've *ever* seen him ask for votes was that *one* time he was totally shitfaced (which he later apologized for profusely).
I don't know who else I speak for, but it's really frustrating that there's this cadre of "old PSCers" who constantly berate newer members--especially marco. The little innuendos and backhanded comments are annoying and tiresome. It ain't vote-whoring that ruins this site, it's the sniping and infighting. I have no idea why there's so much of it on this site. But if you think you're better and deserve more votes, then post may prove yourself right! But until then, just chill out already!!!
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:50 am Reply with quote
I've NEVER had marco try to vote whore me.
Is this jealousy I detect? Or do you simply not like marco's work?
And for the record there are a couple of marco's entries that I didn't vote for as I didn't think they were worthy of a vote. same treatment I give everyone's chops and the same treatment I'd expect of mine.
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: the sunny side of NY
Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:52 am Reply with quote
HA!! I thought Showcase started this thread!!
anyway, why is it always MARCO, MARCO, MARCO!!! (this was for the Brady Bunchers!)
Location: Sunny S.Calif.
Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:01 am Reply with quote
Vote that a sexual thing? As I feel, Marco is a fine creative chopper I just
can’t see myself giving up a vote for the likes of him. Don’t take this the wrong way,
Marco. Sorry I’m just not that way. 
Location: Somerville MA
Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:58 pm Reply with quote
If you had to pay cash for votes, then you would see who the real vote johns are" 
Location: West Virginia, USA
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:18 pm Reply with quote
I have to disagree. I think Marco deserve most if not all the votes he gets. His stuff is very well done. I try my best NOT to look at the name on the entry when I vote so if he gets one of mine its because I liked SOMETHING about it.
Location: Brazil
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:28 pm Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: I've NEVER had marco try to vote whore me.
Is this jealousy I detect? Or do you simply not like marco's work?
And for the record there are a couple of marco's entries that I didn't vote for as I didn't think they were worthy of a vote. same treatment I give everyone's chops and the same treatment I'd expect of mine.
in the behalf of led, I should say...
Tofu, Marco is clever... he doesn´t PM people asking for votes... he PM people telling them how wonderful they work are, congratulating them, bla bla bla... this is even worse than vote whoring... it´s like a psychological pressure to make people feel they should vote for me, cause he is such a fine guy, that pays attention on your entries, bla bla bla... it´s psychological pressure... I used to get loads of PMs from him, none asking for votes, most saying how wonderful my work is, bla bla bla...
if PSC were like really fair voting, like... 1 vote per person only, meaning vote wisely to the entry you think is the best in the contest, maybe problems would reduce... but there´s no way to deny marco´s entry are crap and extremely overvoted because of his I´m cool campaign... it gets to a point that not even if he wanted to get fair votes, he wouldn´t get... cause he already did his legion of fans... Marco could take a picture of his shit in the toilet, paste the source in the some point of the image, and still he would get at least 30 votes...
in the other hand, some non advantage newbie could make a hell of an entry, post on day 2, and get maximum 10 votes...
that´s why I keep my statement that voting in PSC is not a pattern of quality... even though some deserve...
I, personally, would send marco to Mantua, just for his earlier be my ftriend and vote for me forever campaign... people don´t realize, but he brainwashed at least a half of the PSCers...
And I believe a lot of people agree with me...
As well as I believe his brainwashed fans disagree with me...
and please, don´t bring the jealousy bullshit up again... led is way better than marco... it would be stupid to be jealous of someone who posts crap after crap and never seems to improve... it´s hipocresy to say you accept critiques and don´t try to improve where you know you are defficient...
and for those who say I´m jealous of marco, I say fuck off...
my 2 cents
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:32 pm Reply with quote
I saved a screen shot of that one!!
thanks Arcakeo! 
_________________ Don't be stupid
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:38 pm Reply with quote
Feral Hamster wrote:
But if you think you're better and deserve more votes, then post may prove yourself right! But until then, just chill out already!!!
and now back to the music.....
Tomorrow we can drive around this town
And let the cops chase us around
The past is gone but something might be found to take it's place
Hey Jealousy
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:47 pm Reply with quote
I smell a big rebuttle coming from ToFu...Im on the edge of my seat...Lets go man!! 
_________________ Don't be stupid
Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:04 pm Reply with quote
I agree with everything ledirlo said. And I´m doing some poop right now to experiment arc´s idea. I´ll post my poop... I hope it does good in the contest.
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:19 pm Reply with quote
Okay, just 'cuz showcase wanted me to do it (and inquiring minds want to know):
arcaico wrote: Tofu, ... bla bla bla...
there´s no way to deny marco´s entry are crap and extremely overvoted because of his I´m cool campaign...
Wouldn't that depend on the eye of the beholder? Whose to say that something I like is something any other person wouldn't? Suffice it to say that I think it's a matter of personal style. You can't compare a Picasso with a Cézanne and say that since you like one the other is shit. Well okay you can but I don't think it's fair. Every artist has their own style. Mine is erratic and inconsistent (and I'm okay with that for now).
arcaico wrote: in the other hand, some non advantage newbie could make a hell of an entry, post on day 2, and get maximum 10 votes...
I would have to agree on this point. I pointed out late entries in the "Torn Tube" thread and I fell that BrotherDoug was robbed in the "Architectural Variety" comp. But how, exactly, is it an advantage subscriber's fault if people don't go looking at the day 2 entries?
arcaico wrote: and please, don´t bring the jealousy bullshit up again... led is way better than marco...
Isn't that a bit out of context? Did you not see my question immediately after that one? Quote: tofu wrote: Or do you simply not like marco's work?
Also I think I touched on that at the beginning of this post.
Okay, onward:
arcaico wrote: it´s hipocresy to say you accept critiques and don´t try to improve where you know you are defficient...
Just so I'm clear. Are you calling me a hypocrite or marco?
If it's me then why am I being a hypocrite? If you're refering to marco then it's all good as you are entitled to your opinion and marco can fight that battle.
But if it is me you refer to then know that I'm not mad/hurt/upset by the comment I just want to know the "why?". Have I ever denounced any criticism that anyone's given me (memory search didn't bring anything up so I'll have to go through the posts)? I've often noted that I suck at shadows and haven't worked on them. Not only is it because I'm more concerned with other areas (like learning the software I have to work with) but also F.U.D. when it comes to doing shadows. Is that what makes me a hypocrite? Again if you weren't referring to me then my bad and the point can be safely dropped.
Also, for the record, I follow the same pattern that wcgems noted. I look at the pic and then decide if I want to vote for it. It's usually after that decision that I notice who did the work. I, personally, always vote on a chop because I felt it vote-worthy. This holds true for not just marco's works but EVERY vote I've cast. Did I feel that the chop I voted for deserved to win (again not just marco's work but others)? In some cases no but it did anyway. Should I feel guilty for that? I don't think so. To me It just means that more people liked that chop than the others in the contest.
Judging of artwork is extremely subjective (right up there with judging ice skating and gymnastics in my book). Personally I can't stand the Mona Lisa. I think it's a boring-ass painting. Does that mean that Da Vinci wasn't a great artist?
I will not deny that I've gotten "good job" PMs from people (again not just marco). I've always taken them as straight-up compliments and I've sent out similar with the same intent. So I guess if that's vote whoring then I'm guilty too. For me that wasn't the intent though. The intent was to congratulate on a good work and to simply be friendly and make friends. That's why I came to the site in the first place (to have fun and make friends that is).
As for both you and led I've got nothin' but the love for ya both. I'll never stop voting for what I like even if it's from someone who doesn't seem to like me (hell case in point is that I voted for scion's recent great chop [which, IMHO, did deserve to win btw]).
Like the saying goes "opinions are like a-holes". To me ANY opinion is fine and if you want to voice it then that's fine too.
Sorry this took so long show. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:22 pm Reply with quote
lol yes very clever whoever set up that duplicate login of me apart from the _ at the end, I don't really care anymore about what crap keeps getting spouted about me. It's all same old, and especially from Arcaico, what a twisted imagination you have, you must be so dam paranoid bud, anyways cheers to my friends, and to all the people who think I'm judas or something, well nothing I can do about it, I'm just me, this site is fantastic, I enjoy helping and making people feel good about what they do.... wasn't aware that was a crime.
No doubt Arc or some randome alias that has never posted before will come here and say, what a pile of crap, but blah blah blah, I can't really be bothered listening anymore, if it was civilised, then sure, but some people on here really want me gone, and thats a sad way to be IMO.
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