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Location: West Virginia, USA
Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:59 am Reply with quote
OK, I'm 36. Live in Oak Hill, WV. My hobbies are photography, classic cars, rockhounding and jewelry making, playing on the net and collecting PIG banks.
I used to work for a local TV station as a videographer/editor but have since parted ways with them and now work for NAPA Auto Parts. While I am NO wizard with Photoshop (actually using Paint Shop Pro) I still like to see what I can do with it.
AND...... sorry Jefflang007 about the whole thing earlier.............
Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:06 pm Reply with quote
Hello I am Rose, a grandma living in Qld. Australia. I found this place by accident and love it. I have paint shop pro and still learning. You people are so talented it is a pleasure looking around.
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Oct 23, 2005 6:32 pm Reply with quote
most of me is still splodge, some bits aren't, other bits are falling off, gaul blader is gone, kidnies have had enough, could be worse, could be rondo, we all know how bad she is having it 
Queen La Tiff
Location: MI
Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:46 am Reply with quote
I just stumbled across this topic while on a mission to "ask the experts." I think it's a cool idea, wanting to know more about a person than just what they are in the arena that you know them from--or something.
Mine is a frivolous yet compelling story of intrigue, loss and coming to terms with things...nah, just kidding. I found my way out of Mommy on the day after Woodstock ended...which makes me not only 36 years old, it makes me one of the last of the 60s love children. I still get a real kick out of Hendrix's version of the Star Spangled Banner.
I read somewhere that you can tell as much about a person as you ever need to know by knowing who their favorite Beatle was/is. Not sure if that's true, but mine's George Harrison. On a related note: The only time I ever saw my father cry was the day that John Lennon got shot. I was ten.
Don't get me wrong, however--I still know how to "kick it" with the young people--which is to say "I'm down." My favorite musical group is the Beastie Boys, my favorite movie of the last ten years is Fight Club, and I enjoy many of the latest trends in technology.
Man, now I'm just getting silly. I live in a part of Jersey City called Five Corners--maybe you remember the movie. Jersey City is just across the Hudson River from Manhattan...I like to refer to it as "New York's Secret Sixth Borough."
I'm a painter--art, not houses. Not sure what school I would be in. My husband suggested "Neo Yorkism." I went to the School of the Art Institute in Chicago after High School, but quickly realized that it wasn't for me. So I went on Dead Tour for a while, learned to play hacky-sack, protested the FIRST damn gulf war (fat lot of good that did!) and finally ended up in NYC.
Here comes the sad part: I was a bartender across the street from the World Trade Center, and 9/11 hit me pretty hard. I worked on the cleanup and that just about cracked my mind in half--seriously. I don't think civilians are mentally prepared for certain ugly realities about carnage...but whatever. That's when I stopped bartending--people tell the bartender everything, you know. So all these regulars were dead--lots of people--and myself and the other bartender at the place just about lost it--in different ways.
I was and am lucky enough to be married to a real stunner of an Englishman named James, so the family (got a little critter named Zak--he's ten now) shoved off to Merry Old England, where we had a garden that got ravaged by a mean squirrel all the time--damn thing ate my lavender and sunflowers and everything!
Eventually, I got better (there was a whole thing where I was diagnosed with PTSD and had to take medicine and contemplated ending it all, but you don't want to hear about that). I started leaving the house and all that, and then we moved back to the good old USofA, where we have 100 kinds of dish soap and we bomb who we want when we want.
Okay, so I'm a bit of a cynic. But if I told you that, after going through all that crap, I have a deeper appreciation for the small beauties in life, would it mitigate things?
That's just what came out when I tried to answer "who are you?" By the way, if you want to look at paintings, I've got a new web site: But please, PLEASE read my post "YIKES I Need Help!" Before doing so.
Location: Hot Springs, Arkansas
Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:02 pm Reply with quote
Hey all - I was away for about 9 months, because I was having no luck - my entries sucked and I just felt like I was not contributing quality work to the contests. Well, I am giving it another go - because I've come a long way, baby.
I am 34, happily married, father of 2 and I work for Clear Channel as Web Admin/Graphic Design for 12 radio stations in the midwest, including all in St. Louis.
I will be getting promoted to a fully regional position soon.
For right now, I have a dreadful myspace site, /radiosteele
Anyway - see you around - I love the level of talent in this forum.
Location: Finland
Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:59 pm Reply with quote
Who am I?
38 yrs
Finland, 99 % of the a-me-ri-cans doesn´t know it or think that it´s their state
(But hey! Two times in a row a prsednient woh cna´t enve witre or raed  )
Job? This is NOT a job. This is a funny farm. Warehouse, forklift truck and a lot of screaming, broken legs and arms. But I feel great
Hobbies. Acoustic guitar and PC (Delphi and Photoshop) Fractals are beautiful. I hope one day I can use them in my entry.
Have a nice day.
Location: Michigan, USA
Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:59 pm Reply with quote
I am Registered.
I love graphics and doodling.
I am being snowed on.
I hate to shovel snow.
I am looking forward to Spring.
Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:56 pm Reply with quote
I am 30something...34, I think...
Married with children...ages 5,2 and 1.
Live in North Carolina awaaaaay from's the peace and quiet that I like.
Of course, with 3 kids...WHERE IS IT???
I am an artist (starving), photographer, digital junkie & sometime musician.
I am also currently going through withdrawal from Lexapro...Took it for anxiety...It just made me psycho!  Seriously.
And the withdrawal effects are no picnic either!
And if I told you anymore...well...let's just say it's Top Secret...Shhhhhhhhhh!
Location: Latvia, town Cesis
Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:13 pm Reply with quote
Well, i am sorry, but i am 17. I live in Latvia (that piece of ant country) No art education, nothing, just ps7. Interesets - football, fishing, good movies like se7en and so on... Interested in criminal movies...
_________________ D'oh!!!
Location: Netherlands
Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:44 pm Reply with quote
Hi all! Im know as <senzotaku> over here aka senz, senzo, senzy, enzo, otaku) yeah whatever!?! Im 23 years old, and living in the land where the marihuana is legalized the Netherlands (Holland) so yes im dutch. I have a webdesign/Hosting/dtp companay And did also some flyer design for houseparties. My site is almost updated (realy needed)
I realy learned a lot choppin skills on this site. (check my first entries :S) So thanx to jmh and all the jedi choppers arround here. Piece!!!
_________________ I want to unleash my creativity...
Location: Somerville MA
Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:51 am Reply with quote
Greetings all!..My name is Michael Joseph Deal, also known as majik Mike"..and Mikey"..I'm 43 years young, living in the Boston mass area,
I've been doing art since I was 5 and started playing guitar when I was 15. I also write songs/ mostly Christian these days" but I have written many secular songs too" even heavy" Rock!..I've been trying to get a real" recording of my music but it cost too much! but I will soon get the new recording equipment when I save enough money. I have done pretty well with the artwork over the years, I am a traditional painter mostly acrylics" When I was 25 I had a major stroke and almost died, but God had mercy and I lived to fufill my purpose and dreams, I ended up with seizures because of the stroke but I kept going anyway" these days the seizures are finally going away" about time! 18 years. I discovered photoshop in 1999 and I've been hooked ever since, it never ceases to amaze me! I took some classes to learn some basics but mostly self taught" I'm glad to be a part of PSC, I found it in a google search" I typed in, photoshop contest because I wanted to see if there was anything out there like that and I was pleasantly surprised when PSC came up! I have'nt missed a day since aug 22 2005. So life goes on the universe keeps expanding and we keep creating and learning and yearning for that dream to come true" never giving up, never giving in,
fighting this battle we have faith we're going to win! keep Choping, keep Rocking and thank the Almighty for this wonderous life and time we're living in!..peace to you and yours, and may you find what your looking for!.. 
Location: Australia
Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:55 am Reply with quote
Worth a bump for the new year and to let all the newbies have a read and learn who we are, but dont forget to add ya own little bit of life here as well.
Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:49 pm Reply with quote
43 yrs old man from Montréal, QC. divorced and single, I have a boy 10 and a girl 9 in joint custody, I work at Fedex since over 18 yrs as a dispatcher.
I discovered PS last year and felt in love for the 7th time. I spent hours looking,reading and practicing tutorials and found this site about 2 weeks ago.
that's it for now.... 
_________________ One love, one blood, one life, you got to do what you should
One life with each other : sisters, brothers
One life, but we're not the same
Location: Northern California, USA
Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:09 am Reply with quote
25, engaged to a wonderful woman. I work for a local newspaper building designing web pages. I like to do a lot of out doors activies to balance my computer life. Love playing Counter Strike: CZ. I own a cat, 2 rats, 12 fish, a turtle, and a horse. Grew up in Alaska, now live in Dixon, CA.
I once was almost shot at by our local S.W.A.T. force because of airsoft rifles and security cameras. That was fun 
Location: belgium
Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:01 am Reply with quote
I'm Tiberius and i'm living on the border Flanders-Holland near by Maastricht!
Normaly I speak Dutch and when I am drunk a litlle bit Norwegian.
I don't have nothing more to say than enjoy myself..
[url] [/url]
_________________ Tiberius
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