Corel pianter is terrific. It replicates oils, watercolor,pastels, you name it , it does it. It even has a tool
Where you can clone an image and set the color picker to clone. It samples colors from the original image
as you piant the cloned. All you need to do is pick a style and brush over the image. Even as cool as this
program is. I still choose to do things in Photoshop. You can get some pretty pinterly effects by playing
with the brushes. Also using the smudge tool and the blur tool. I did this image all with photoshop.
I find it looks better if you actually draw the image first. I'm not saying to render the hole thing like a
pencil drawing. I am saying to, on a seperate layer, make an outline of the original image. Out line all
the color changes and edges until it looks like a piant by numbers. Then simply sample the colors underneath as
you paint with the air brush set to soft @ 30% opacity. Sample colors often and use the smudge and
blur tools to soften edges and move around paint. That is how I did this image.
Good Luck