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Location: australia
Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:11 am Reply with quote
Folks can any one please tell me if it worth taking the step and purchasing a tablet?
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:21 am Reply with quote
I need a new one thanks to my son, but yes it is, if you get a quality one, definately great for drawing, colouring, shading etc, you could also have a dual mouse/tablet set up, which works great after getting used to it

Location: Oregon
Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:39 am Reply with quote
I never played with one till a couple of weeks ago at a Photoshop seminar. The Wacom people had a booth there and I got to try some of the tablets. yes they take a little getting used to, but I was hooked.
It's the first thing on my Christmas list.
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: Australia
Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:58 pm Reply with quote
It comes down to choice Jeff...I have a tab but find it slow and a little difficult to use, for me. I use a track ball and love it gives great control and you can do some very detailed moves once you get use to it. Then again I never gave the tab a real chance, may just get it out of the pac and give it another go...
Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:11 pm Reply with quote
If I had a good tablet and got used to it, you all would be doomed!
I may be relatively new to photoshop, but pencil is my life medium!
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:11 pm Reply with quote
If it werent for the click button being so awkward to use, tablets would rock.
My tablet has clik buttons and a few extras on it, so I'd say it's better when I'm doing any details on a chop.
Otherwise i am so used to a mouseball, that don't hurt either.
i think anyone still using a normal mouse is just a bit on the insane side of things.
Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:14 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: I think anyone still using a normal mouse is just a bit on the insane side of things.
what, like a ball mouse? I use a plain old two-button 1 wheel Dell laser mouse.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:17 pm Reply with quote
yeah, that just aint good.
For the right hand I use a standard top mount ball mouse, and for the left I use a lefty thumball mouse.
Moving yer wrist and arm around like that aint healthy.
Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:33 pm Reply with quote
TWO mice?! You think i'm crazy?! lol
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:03 pm Reply with quote
I swear by my Wacom Tablet. I've never had any problems with it being slow, but then again I am running a OSX Dual 2.5GHz PowerPC and 1 GB of ram
I have the cheap $100 version.... My only wish is that I had spent the extra $$ on a larger Tablet, just for more room. Other than that, once you get used to it, you can set pressure and it sure makes Drawing and other Chopping far easier than a mouse... and
 to those of you who can use a trackball
Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:57 pm Reply with quote
I hate trackballs! BOOOOO!
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:12 pm Reply with quote
For 95 percent of my work...i use a mouse. But i have used a tablet before. Takes some getting used to. Im thinking about buying one for xmas to use at home to practice more.
Location: Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada
Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:12 pm Reply with quote
i've been toying with the idea of getting a tablet also... i believe i posted a topic about it in october... but i think i'm gonna stick to the mouse, based on all the feedback i've gotten and heard from here and elsewhere... i currently use a wireless microsoft optical mouse and find that it's sensitive enough for chopping, and with no wired it's totally free to move w/o interfierence.. also i have those low friction feet and a low friction mousepad too, which help alot... i swear i can move that thing by blowing on my advise is to go to a place that sells computer accessories or electronics (like futureshop or something...) and see if they have one set up, or can allow you to try one out before you make the jump and get one... or buy one from somewhere that will allow you to return it within a few days if it dosn't meet your needs... 
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