Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Fun and Games - FRACTURED CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Reply to topic
Location: Australia
Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:43 am Reply with quote
Been shopping and all the stores are playing christmas carols...that got me thinking about the different types of carols around the world...not the normal ones the ones that make us two kids love singing carols but like the Aussie touch to them. Like this one.....
On the FIRST day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
A kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the SECOND day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the THIRD day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the FOURTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the FIFTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the SIXTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the SEVENTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Seven emus laying,
Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the EIGHTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Eight dingos dancing,
Seven emus laying,
Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the NINTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Nine crocs a-snoozing?
Eight dingos dancing,
Seven emus laying,
Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the TENTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Ten wombats washing,
Nine crocs a-snoozing?
Eight dingos dancing,
Seven emus laying,
Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the ELEVENTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Eleven lizards leaping,
Ten wombats washing,
Nine crocs a-snoozing?
Eight dingos dancing,
Seven emus laying,
Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
On the TWELFTH day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Twelve possums playing,
Eleven lizards leaping,
Ten wombats washing,
Nine crocs a-snoozing?
Eight dingos dancing,
Seven emus laying,
Six sharks a-surfing,
Five kangaroos,
Four lyrebirds,
Three wet galahs,
Two snakes on skis,
And a kookaburra in a gum tree.
so come on guys n gals lets s the fun side of xmas and share your stories, poems and carols with the rest of your PSC mates...
(For a not safe for work xxxmas carol try this one, warning contains bad words)
Location: Australia
Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Lmao Sage thats cool mooseman...
Just got this one in an email...never sen it before...
On the Twelve Days of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me . . .
December 14, 2003
Dearest Dave,
I went to the door today, and the postman delivered a partridge in a pear tree. This was a delightful gift! I couldn't have been more surprised or pleased darling!
With truly the deepest love,
December 15, 2003
Dearest Dave,
Today the postman brought me yet another of your sweet gifts. The two turtule doves that arrived today are adorable, and I'm delighted by your thoughtful and generous ways.
With all of my love,
Your Agnes
December 16, 2003
Dearest Dave,
You've truly been too kind! I must protest; I don't deserve such generosity. The thought of getting three French hens amazes me. Yet, I am not surprised--what more should I expect from such a nice person.
December 17, 2003
Dear Dave,
Four calling birds arrived in the mail today. They are truly nice but don't you think that enough is enough? You are being too romantic.
December 18, 2003
Dearest darling Dave,
It was a surprise to get five golden rings! I now have one for every finger. You truly are impossible darling, yet oh how I love it! Quite frankly, all of those squarking birds from the previous days were starting to get on my nerves. Yet, you managed to come through with a beautiful valuable gift!
All my love,
December 19, 2003
Dear Dave,
When I opened my door, there were actually six geese a-laying on my front steps. So you're back to the birds again, huh? Those geese are dear, but where will I keep them? The neighbors are complaining, and I am unable to sleep with all the racket. Please stop dear.
December 20, 2003
What is with you and those stupid birds!? Seven swans a-swimming!! What kind of sick joke is this!!?? There are bird droppings everywhere! They never shut up, and I don't get any sleep!!! I'm a nervous wreck! It's not funny you weirdo, so stop with the birds.
December 21, 2003
O.K. wise guy,
The birds were bad enough. Now what do you expect me to do with eight maids a-milking? If that's not bad enough, they had to bring their cows!! The front lawn was completely ruined by them, and I can't move in my own house! Just lay off me or you'll be sorry!
December 22, 2003
Hey loser,
What are you? You must be some kind of sadist!! Now there are nine pipers playing, and they certainly do play! They haven't stopped chasing those maids since they got here! The cows are getting upset, and they're stepping all over those screeching birds. The neighbors are getting up a petition to evict me, and I'm going out of my mind!
You'll get yours!
December 23, 2003
You rotten scum!!!
There are now ten ladies dancing! There is only one problem with that! They're dancing twenty-four hours a day all around me with the pipers upsetting the cows and the maids. The cows can't sleep, and they are going to the bathroom everywhere! The building commissioner has subpoenaed me to give cause as to why the house shouldn't be condemned! I can't even think of a reason! You creep! I'm sicking the police on you!
One who means it!
December 24, 2003
Listen you evil, sadistic, maniac!
What's with the eleven lords-a-leaping?!? They are leaping across the rooms breaking everything and even injuring some of the maids! The place smells, is an absolute mad house, and is about to be condemned! At least the birds are quiet; they were trampled to death by the cows. I hope you are satisfied--you rotten vicious worthless piece of garbage!
Your sworn enemy,
December 25, 2003
The Law Offices of
Badger, Rees, and Yorker
20 Knave Street
Chicago, Illinois
Dear sir,
This is to acknowledge your latest gift of twelve fiddlers-fiddling which you have seen fit to inflict on our client, one Agnes Mcholstein. The destruction of course was total. If you attempt to reach Ms. Mcholstein at Happy Daze Sanatarium, the attendants have instructions to shoot you on site.
Please direct all correspondence to this office in the future. With this letter, please find attached a warrant for your arrest.
Badger, Rees, and Yorker
Location: Hudson, Canada
Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:22 pm Reply with quote
I never did understand that song! 
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: U.K.
Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:54 pm Reply with quote
This may only make sense to us Brits on this site but anyway...
On the 1st day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
A pikey in Burberry.
On the 2nd day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
Two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 3rd day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 4th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 5th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 6th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
six teens a-laying,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 7th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
seven scallies stealing,
six teens a-laying,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 8th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
eight midriffs showing,
seven scallies stealing,
six teens a-laying,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 9th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
nine ladies drinking,
eight midriffs showing,
seven scallies stealing,
six teens a-laying,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 10th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
ten lads joy-riding,
nine ladies drinking,
eight midriffs showing,
seven scallies stealing,
six teens a-laying,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 11th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
eleven prammers pushing,
ten lads joy-riding,
nine ladies drinking,
eight midriffs showing,
seven scallies stealing,
six teens a-laying,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry.
On the 12th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me,
twelve chavvers chavving,
eleven prammers pushing,
ten lads joy-riding,
nine ladies drinking,
eight midriffs showing,
seven scallies stealing,
six teens a-laying,
fiiiveee sovereign riinngggs,
four stolen phones,
three navel studs,
two tracksuit tops
and a pikey in Burberry
_________________ I know I'm God 'cos every time I pray, I feel like I'm just talking to myself!
Lord David
Location: Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001, United Federation of Planets, Alpha Quadrant.
Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:06 pm Reply with quote
I suppose you may not be able to decipher this, the translation is at the bottom:
Twelve Days of Christmas
qaSDI' QISmas jaj wa', jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'qoq.
qaSDI' QISmas jaj cha', jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj wej, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj loS, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj vagh, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj jav, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
jav bajorngan tlhIv,
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj Soch, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
Soch romuluSngan 'ong,
jav bajorngan tlhIv,
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj chorgh, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
chorgh verengan qur,
Soch romuluSngan 'ong,
jav bajorngan tlhIv,
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj Hut, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
Hut be'tatlhoyDngan nuQ,
chorgh verengan qur,
Soch romuluSngan 'ong,
jav bajorngan tlhIv,
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj wa'maH, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
wa'maH tera'ngan ghIH,
Hut be'tatlhoyDngan nuQ,
chorgh verengan qur,
Soch romuluSngan 'ong,
jav bajorngan tlhIv,
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj wa'maH cha', jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
wa'maH wa' qarDaSngan qej,
wa'maH tera'ngan ghIH,
Hut be'tatlhoyDngan nuQ,
chorgh verengan qur,
Soch romuluSngan 'ong,
jav bajorngan tlhIv,
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
qaSDI' QISmas jaj wa'maH wej, jIHvaD Dochvam nob bang matlh:
wa'maH cha' vulqanngan Dal,
wa'maH wa' qarDaSngan qej,
wa'maH tera'ngan ghIH,
Hut be'tatlhoyDngan nuQ,
chorgh verengan qur,
Soch romuluSngan 'ong,
jav bajorngan tlhIv,
- vagh toQDuj Doj
loS betleH jej
wej yuch yIH
cha' romuluS HIq,
je meQtaHbogh wa' 'enterpray'!
When it is Christmas's 12th day, my loyal love gives me this thing:
twelve boring Vulcans
eleven grouchy Cardassians
ten sloppy Terrans
nine anoying Batazed
eight greedy Ferengi
seven cunning Romulans
six insubordinate Bajorans
- five impressive Birds of Prey
four sharp swords
three chocolate Tribbles
two Romulan ales
and one burning Enterprise!
Location: Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada
Sat Dec 24, 2005 2:29 am Reply with quote
there's a comedian of sorts here in newfoundland who released a xmas cd last year that is funny as hell.. songs like "Wrote off a red ford ranger" (Roudolph the red nosed reindeer), and "Nan's Drownin' Kittens this christmas" (i'm gettin' nothin for christmas)... the guys name is Snook and if you happen to find anything other than the samples that are here you should give them a listen...
Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Fun and Games - FRACTURED CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Reply to topic
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