tabby275 wrote:
the typical photochopper is one no one but a fellow photochopper can understand. for me when I get in to what I call the "zone" I can sit for hours and work on a picture and not even realize time has gone by and there are times when you JUST GOTTA CHOP! Only a true photochopper will understand this and for that reason we all hear "how can you sit at that computer for so long" or something of the like. yes, indeed we are a true breed, strange yet oddly normal. so don't get discouraged and don't despair, there are those of us out there who understand

I completely agree with this, I have been in a situation many times where i'll sit down, usually while i wait for my dinner to be microwaved (or usually right before I'm supposed to cook) and just you know relax check out the posts.
So I log on and i figure what the heck, i'll go and see who's in the lead today, maybe there are some good chops. I get logged in, look around and then i look up and there it is...
Calling me, the advantage button. I know I shouldn't click it, but there's always the possibility that the perfect image has been displayed. I click it and usually if I see one i like an idea hits me out of nowwhere. I open photoshop, and the next thing i know I look down at the clock in the corner it's 4.00am and I have to get up for work in a couple hours but I can't stop now, the pic is nearly done. Then it happens, it's reached "the first finished" Then I have to stare at it for a good 20 minutes and I see all my imperfections stareing back at me so I go back in and adjust, and clean, and then i save it and I post it again, and I star at it some more, and about the third or fourth round of this i decide if I don't go to bed I won't have enough energy for tommorrow's pic, (nevermind the job I have to go to ). So i go to bed, like it's christmas eve, the next morning, cause of course the chop i did lastnight is going up tommorrow. In the morning when my alarm goes up first thing I do is check my post, and then flip back and fourth between my portfolio thumb and the full size version, admireing my possible victor. Then I take a shower and get ready to leave, i go to the kitchen to warm up a little something to take to work, and find my now cold dinner from lastnight i forgot about still in the microwave.
I've noticed that the amount of time i spend being paranoid over the imperfections in each image are growing.... HELP ME LOL