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Post Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:15 pm   Reply with quote         

Post Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:38 pm   Reply with quote         

There was an incident (or maybe incidents) with someone or some people here, and she was upset about it enough to leave the site permanently and (edit) deleted all her images[edit]. I don't know the details, nor do I want to--suffice to say, she was angry and hurt by whatever it was.

I'm sure others may know more. But as a friend of hers when it happened, i would respectfully ask that any subsequent commenters be charitable toward her and keep the snark to a minimum. Thanks.


Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:49 pm   Reply with quote         

Ronni got upset with PSC- she's the one who now sends invites by PM to PSC members to
come to the site she hangs out at.Word is She and Screwloose, who is still here and at that site, are getting married.
Gossip, it's what's for dinner. Smile
FH, I don't think jmh deleted her pictures...word is that she actually edited every last one of those...I think 180 images with the "deleted" text image...
I wonder how long that took. Shocked
Ok, it was 182 images, how sad is it that I knew that close Confused


Location: Somerville MA

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:08 am   Reply with quote         

Wierd, wild, wacky stuff! Shocked

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:13 am   Reply with quote         

I found another blank portfolio. Goes by the name of Chopper - Interesting story here?

I don't think his entries are all so old that they just don't show up.

Former Site Moderator

Location: Pennsyltucky

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:17 am   Reply with quote         

Ronni took the hours it entailed to delete all her own images here, jmh did not do it.

I will respectfully decline on any additional comments on this subject.

Unless this topic needs to be explored further, I'm sure jmh would like to see it shut down.


A man is like wine. He begins as a raw grape. It's a woman's job to stomp on him, and keep him in the dark until he matures into something she'd like to have dinner with.

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:21 am   Reply with quote         

Didn't know it was a touchy subject. Delete/Close it if you want. I don't mind.


Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:26 am   Reply with quote         

I think chopper's images don't show cause they are from a time when we hosted our own
Chopper still visits and is a popular PSC figure in the extreme, AND
a chopper to be reckoned with.
I beleive Nancers is just avoiding gossip out of respect for her position as a mod.


Location: Virginia

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:34 am   Reply with quote         

damnit... I miss all the good stuff


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:35 am   Reply with quote         

I remember a time when MODS drove around in cool Motor Scooters and had sex with guys like me! Smile


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:38 am   Reply with quote         

HAHAHA! Stinking avatar-- I was like--
HA! HKLevyboys getting funnier all the time!


Location: Virginia

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:41 am   Reply with quote         

Ahh, remember that day when we were all Reinman?? That was the best.


Location: Yorkshire,

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:49 am   Reply with quote         

i remember when kitty took the time to change all her posts to give us the finger


Hallcross Toots

Location: Somerville MA

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:10 am   Reply with quote         

Its all still fresh to me! Very Happy then again" I've only been here Rolling Eyes four months Shocked Laughing Cool


Location: Duketown

Post Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:05 am   Reply with quote         

Ahh, remember that day when we were all Reinman?? That was the best.

HA! That was fun, yes!

(Have to take a cleansing shower now!)


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