Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Contests and Entries - PSC Awards 2005 - Reply to topic
Location: London, UK
Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:12 am Reply with quote
As some of you may know, I started keeping track of the wins at PSC in Jan 2004 (TWO whole years ago now!) originally just for personal interest, but it has become something of a mini-project  so I thought I'd post the figures for the "best of" entries of the past year *.
So, ladies and gentlemen, the winners are:
1st - anfa = 36
2nd - billtvshow = 26
3rd - marcoballistic = 22
1st - Torn Tube by ScionShade = 110
2nd - Marathon Runner by metalic = 108
3rd - Needs Décor by thbeghin = 103
FEWEST VOTES (for a win)
1st - Hello NetBSD by fempie = 38
2nd - Random Ropes by Prince_Laurent = 39
3rd - Black Chips by Cynn = 42
1st - Front Sight by ReinMan = 10.09%
2nd - In Dash MP3 Player by vunt_van_pumununt = 10.00%
3rd - Torn Tube by ScionShade = 8.81%
LOWEST % OF VOTES (for a win)
1st - Rail At Squaw by metalic = 0.63%
2nd - Morning Meal by billtvshow = 0.64%
3rd - Jump Ball by deshone = 0.89%
MOST ENTRIES in a contest
1st - Green Chair = 125
2nd - Full Lips = 119
3rd - Spooky Swamp = 114
FEWEST ENTRIES in a contest
1st - Larue Machine = 38
2nd - String Tension = 40
3rd - Happy Holidays = 44
MOST VOTES CAST in a contest
1st - Green Chair = 2,512
2nd - Wireless Router = 2,464
3rd - Stone Entry Way = 1,565
FEWEST VOTES CAST in a contest
1st - Window Shoppers = 579
2nd - Propane Valve = 596
3rd - Hello NetBSD = 597
There are a few stats I don't know, but jmh might be willing/able to give out, for example:
Most votes given by a PSCer in 2005: ???
Most votes gained by a PSCer in 2005: ???
Also, it would be interesting to know what sort of traffic the site had through the year...
*= Obviously, any stats here are not as authoritative as those from jmh himself (some contest winners are later ruled NOT to have won for various reasons, for example). I tried to adjust for those kind of changes, but there may be some errors/omissions, so don't yell at me if you spot a mistake
Also, these figures are "unofficial" and not intended to indicate preference or to elevate any of the entries or members listed here above any others in any way as regards quality or effort. They are purely a reflection of the categories listed, during the previous year.
Ok, that's all. Hope you all have a great 2006 and keep having fun at this crazy place we call... PSC!
Location: Glendale, Az.
Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:32 am Reply with quote
Thanks handtool for the time,work and thought that went into creating these interesting stats!
Location: Australia
Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:58 am Reply with quote
Holy shit
(is that the real HTK)
Holy shit
(Some one said he was abducted by aliens)
Holy shit
(It has to be the real HTK)
Holy shit
(Cause only here would spend that much time on stats)
Thanks HTK...thats if it's really you. 
Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:00 pm Reply with quote
Anfa needs to stop hogging all the wins. >_>
Location: Duketown
Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:11 am Reply with quote
Tool, you wacky UK computer tech you! Good to see you here!
Those are some great stats you provided us with! BUT WHY AM I NOT IN THEM?!.....
And where's the 'hottest babe' category? 
Location: London, UK
Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:20 am Reply with quote
AtHeaMo wrote: Those are some great stats you provided us with! BUT WHY AM I NOT IN THEM?!.....
Well, unfair as it might seem, you'll have needed to have actually won at least a few contests last year to make it on the list...
AtHeaMo wrote: And where's the 'hottest babe' category? 
Good point!
Ok, PSC ladies, you need to submit your personal photos to the judges (me and AtHeaMo) and we'll deliberate long and hard over awards for that category!

Location: Back where I belong.
Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:19 am Reply with quote
HandToolUK wrote: AtHeaMo wrote: And where's the 'hottest babe' category? 
Good point!
Ok, PSC ladies, you need to submit your personal photos to the judges (me and AtHeaMo) and we'll deliberate long and hard over awards for that category!

Wait! I wanna be a judge too!
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Australia
Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:04 am Reply with quote
Quote: Good point!
Ok, PSC ladies, you need to submit your personal photos to the judges (me and AtHeaMo) and we'll deliberate long and hard over awards for that category!
Yep thats the real HTK...any angle to get the chicks...btw...I wanna be a judge too... 
Location: London, UK
Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:16 am Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: Wait! I wanna be a judge too!
blue_lurker wrote: Yep thats the real HTK...any angle to get the chicks...btw...I wanna be a judge too... 
Haha! Well that's stirred up the blokes on here...
And err... thanks for that contribution, FootFungas. Bizarrely enough, that pic is now in the lead, since it's the only one received so far... 
Location: Sunny So California
Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:53 am Reply with quote
You guys are so typical! Put a fancy bow on her head and of course she'll look hot!
Handtool.. some fun facts there! Thanks for the work!
Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Contests and Entries - PSC Awards 2005 - Reply to topic
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