Wow... why didn't i get on my laptop sooner... L@rue thank you for making him look like a drugged out idiot!

Serps I so want to post that pic on myspace... its way too funny.

lmao! To Splodge when i say illegal i mean illegal here in california, not sure about anywhere else. Tofu

that is so disgusting, and exactly what i was looking for, thank you! LMAO

Seamusoisin that looks soooo gross... is the frog peeing on his face?

Wow! Ayatolla I'm definitely putting this one up on myspace to make him feel uncomfortable!

lol Caldera thanks to you I've very much invisioned it thank you!

lol And finally AtHeaMo thank you for all your chops,

I loved them all especially the over weight ones!! And for those of you who pmed me about needing more time... all I can say is I can't wait. I'm actually still surprised

about how many contributed with awesome chops! Thanks guys! <3