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Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:37 pm Reply with quote
I totally agree with Shaman that Govan's and bykush's pics of planes flying into buildings are in poor taste (more offensive to some than to others). There's no denying it brings up hurtful memories for a lot of people.
I didn't know anyone that was murdered on 9/11 and can't imagine what it was even like for those that live in NYC/DC/Pennsylvania who witnessed the events and live with the aftermath.
I totally understand that those emotional wounds are still fresh for thousands (probably even millions) of people. But we, as a country and planet, should not try to forget what happened.
I'm not condoning the works but I don't think these types of entries need to be pulled by anyone other than the artists who made them. As the saying goes "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it".
Patre's work commemorating the horrors of the concentration camps won a daily contest. Why is the memory of tens of thousands of innocents being murdered less offensive than images of planes going into buildings? I think it's the way it was portrayed. Patre's work stirs emotions. Blatant plane-to-building entries don't convey emotion but rather replay nightmares.
I believe Patre's work deserved to win that contest. It was beautifully and tastefully done. I believe that Govan and bykush's work means something to them too. Perhaps it's their way of dealing with their own pain over 9/11. But let the low votes and comments do the talking. Don't have mods pull the work.
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:54 pm Reply with quote
Ok, you guys have made your position clear.
I am very interested in why all these other folk who
vote for and support such tasteless (no offense to the guy who chopped it-
It's a fabtastically well chopped first chop) images everyday are not voting for bykush's image.
The chop work is very good and I would expect if it were another subject with such fine chopping it would have a minimun twenty votes at this point. So are the
poor taste chops that have been getting so heavily voted lately only because of who chopped them? Keep in mind, the chop-work here is first rate.
Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:30 pm Reply with quote
Good points Scion and thank you for bringing them up. That's indeed why I titled the thread "Let's Talk". I think that these two artists should be able to express themselves and, if they feel like it, defend their work to those of us who didn't vote for it.
Discussion is healthy.
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:18 am Reply with quote
Very interesting ... I think there are two different shapes for 2 different ideas. I explain :
a work of art which red background and subtil light give to viewer a sort of beauty though the idea is frightening.
a cut/copy pix that just want to report something without contrast/opposite feelings is just ... bad.
Photoshop is able to put us in a half-dreamed life so those guys have to learn it.
I still have not enough pix to vote...

Queen La Tiff
Location: MI
Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:53 am Reply with quote
Guess I'll weigh in on this one. I stick my nose all kinds of places it doesn't belong, and this is actually one topic about which I have something possibly worthwhile to say.
I only saw the one image, I wish I could've seen both of them. The one I saw would have upset me a lot a year ago, but didn't upset me at all today. Then again, a year ago I saw a coffee mug with the Towers on it and started crying. 9/11 was something that was very big and very personal for me...but I think it affected everyone on the planet to some degree. One thing I've learned is that everyone's healing takes place on a different timeline. If those images would have been posted in October, 2001, probably every one of us would have been screaming for the images to be banned. These days, even people who were really, REALLY fucked up by 9/11 (like me) can look at them and say, "Yeah, but if we ban that image, we also gotta ban that photo of the little girl running and screaming with her clothes burned off, right? Or how about that one image that got Benneton in so much trouble, with the guy dying of AIDS in his bed and the crying mother next to him?"
Although, I gotta say, I know some people who would be really upset by images like this. Who's to say? It's a crazy old world. I think freedom of expression should be protected at all costs...I'll leave myself vulnerable to a few tears and a bit more heartbreak, if it means that images don't get yanked.
Location: Somerville MA
Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:56 am Reply with quote
Who are all these people that never post or hardly ever vote? 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:15 am Reply with quote
I didn't see any of the images in questions, so I guess it would be wrong of me to comment, unless anyone can direct me to the said images 
Queen La Tiff
Location: MI
Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:35 pm Reply with quote
It's about the "bay view" contest, and two entries that show planes flying into the building. One has been pulled (I'm not 100% by whom, but I think by the site, not the artist), and the other one is still there. It's bykush's entry. I say again: slippery slope!
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:40 pm Reply with quote
It was pulled by the poster. Such images are not against any site policy, they do however
invite negative crits.
Location: Somerville MA
Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Pull my entry" but dont pull my finger! ~ 
Queen La Tiff
Location: MI
Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:52 pm Reply with quote
Good to know, Scion, thanks. If it had been pulled by the site, it would've been the first move by jmh that I didn't agree with.
Mikey, get right out of town, you kooky wacky loco nut.
Location: Somerville MA
Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:08 pm Reply with quote
Talk amongst yourselves" discuss ~ 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:36 am Reply with quote
both must have bee pulled, ahh well.
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