Hey Mikey,
I don't want you to think that I was picking on your image.

It just happened to be the last one that I saw.

I just used it as an example. I hope no offense was taken. Most of the images suffered from the same things, although all were good starts and all had good qualities. Please take this thread as constructive criticism. (there is no way that I just spelled that right

) and have fun with it. We should all critique our own work to. Take a look at the comparison and tell us what you think your image needs. You will get honest feedback if you start the critique. Most people are afraid to hurt feelings, but if you start it on yourself then most people will feel more comfortable to add to it. It helps.
When I am at work I always ask a number of people what they think about my images. Usually I know which part of the image I am not sure about so I ask specific questions. Even though I had specific questions they still feel free to add more opinions.

If I get the same comment from more than one person, there must be something to it. Ya know what I mean?

I will try and do a version of your image if I get time. I have not even had time to enter any contests lately. Thank you and everyone else for participating.