arcaico wrote:
Yeah I thought that meant "last appearance at PSC" at first too, but it doesn't. It means the last time the person posted a contest entry.
And wow.. was it
really that long ago since I entered?

Well, I just haven't had the time to sit down and make a serious entry for ages (at least, not that coincided with the inspiration of something decent to do!).
I had been hoping to spend some time over the holiday at least posting an entry or two but, well, cutting out a long story, the time just didn't materialise. And now I'm back on the treadmill at work, it's not likely to come around until Easter time when the next university hols come up!
I am trying to get back up to speed with the forum and the basic contests here at least - see who's coming and going. Next step is to try and get back into a pattern of voting in the contests if I can, but it's a tricky one!