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Location: Australia
Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:13 am Reply with quote
Look it's sp darn easy.
Arco if you want a 5 vote system...just vote 5 times a contest...easy
Show if you want 19 or 21 same deal mate...
If I want 15 over threed days then I just use 5 votes a day
and Mason
If you want 43 votes well mate get an alias...
Now Ive got a date wotih this real hot chick down at the lake...she gunna be naked and its a full moon...
Location: Brazil
Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:21 am Reply with quote
wow!!! AUSSIE!!! You messed all the point!!!! but I'm too sleepy to argue... so I'll leave it as it is until I wake up... good night.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: U.K.
Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:27 am Reply with quote
25 is too many
10ish would be good
Still don't know why anonimous posting was changed, it is the best (although not foolproof) way of making it so that people vote for the chop & not be influenced by a name.
Good thread Arc.
You're a lucky b'stard blue

_________________ I know I'm God 'cos every time I pray, I feel like I'm just talking to myself!
Location: COSTA RICA
Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:08 am Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: I'd love to hear jmh's opinion...
me too
Location: London, UK
Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:45 am Reply with quote
Oh look.
A thread about the number of votes.
Is it that time again already?

Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:30 am Reply with quote
are you sugesting there's been threads about voting before HTUK 
Location: Massachusetts
Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:38 pm Reply with quote
My humble idea(s):
We can't reasonably keep entries anonymous. Besides, some of my votes get spent (or not) based on what I feel that chopper's capability is... I like offering an encouraging vote when a chop shows a vast improvement... likewise, I often won't vote for something well-beneath that chopper's capability. (That's not to say that I expect everyone to do the absolute best they can on every chop!)
However many votes we get to cast... I think VOTING should be anonymous... at least initially. I still like the idea of keeping the voters anonymous so no one knows who voted (or didn't) for what... that would cut down on any vote-swapping. However, it would also sacrifice comments, which CAN be constructive. My revised idea is thus: I have NO idea what would be involved in programming or coding... but I think setting up each entry similar to a poll would work. We can browse all the entries without having any influence from other votes or comments. Then, we can choose "vote only" "vote with comment" or "comment only"... I don't have any problem with being able to revisit an entry and vote or comment (or comment again) after having done the other earlier. I just like the thought of having to choose some kind of reaction to an entry before getting to see everyone else's reactions... At least it would give each entry a "clean slate" (except for the chopper's name) for each potential voter's first impression. It would also cut down on putting entries in vote-order then only voting for the ones that other people have already voted for. Another idea would be to disallow voting at all until the second or third day... let late-comers get more of a shot at votes, too. Anyway, those are my thoughts, such as they are.
Please don't hate me because I'm crazy. Offer me more coffee, and I'll be fine. 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:47 pm Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote: My humble idea(s):
We can't reasonably keep entries anonymous. Besides, some of my votes get spent (or not) based on what I feel that chopper's capability is... I like offering an encouraging vote when a chop shows a vast improvement...
Extremely well put~!!!! One of the finest brief explanations of an
an extremely important segment of the PSC experience that defines PSC !!!
This statement alone should be enough to end the non-anon argument forever.
Location: U.K.
Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:02 pm Reply with quote
...and I spelt 'anonymous' wrongly 
_________________ I know I'm God 'cos every time I pray, I feel like I'm just talking to myself!
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:43 pm Reply with quote
Well put, Caf and glad it was met with extreme approval of one PSC member who posts maybe 4 times a year and rarely votes... 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Are you saying that Bic9000's opinion counts less because he doesn't post often?
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:26 pm Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote:
However many votes we get to cast... I think VOTING should be anonymous... at least initially. I still like the idea of keeping the voters anonymous so no one knows who voted (or didn't) for what... that would cut down on any vote-swapping.
I think it would only allow the 'swappers' to operate more freely since noone will
have an oppurtunity to see the swapping in progress.
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:20 pm Reply with quote
Quote: Well put, Caf and glad it was met with extreme approval of one PSC member who posts maybe 4 times a year and rarely votes...
LOL...You're sooooo funny, SCION. You know exactly WHO I'm talkin' about.
Actually, I don't go along with everything Caf... said. Rarely can I spend more than 2 hours on a chop. Sometimes, I only have an hour or less and that includes "dreaming up something decent time." In other words, I should never warrant a vote 'cause I do not have the time to live up to my potential or anyone's "perception" of my potential.
So it simple, vote for what you like PERIOD. Use ALL your votes or SOME of your votes.
And if you don't care enough to participate...why concern yourself with the process? 
Location: Massachusetts
Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:35 pm Reply with quote
Eve wrote: Actually, I don't go along with everything Caf... said. Rarely can I spend more than 2 hours on a chop. Sometimes, I only have an hour or less and that includes "dreaming up something decent time." In other words, I should never warrant a vote 'cause I do not have the time to live up to my potential or anyone's "perception" of my potential.
I only said "some" of my voting decisions are made based on the chopper's "potential"... only a FEW now and then, actually... It would take HOURS just to VOTE if I tried to do that for EVERY entry! And by no means did I mean to indicate that anyone else "should" vote that way...
Eve wrote: So it simple, vote for what you like PERIOD. Use ALL your votes or SOME of your votes.
Now that is "well put"!  (And "vote for what I like" is what I do most of the time.)
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:42 pm Reply with quote
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