This is not actually my own idea, it's something that three other members
mentioned just in the last month and the results of several conversations.
The idea of "categories" for entrys. Since noone has started a thread, I
figured I'd open my big mouth.
There have been several occasions in the last few months where folks have mentioned that they are not entering contest simply because there are so many entrys everyday now. For me, a non-issue, I'd enjoy five hundred a day- never find time to vote for them all, but.....'s the idea and it has some unusual twist that are very PSC'ish.
Two them what you will
"the learning Curve"(novice) and "The Daily" (advanced) =just examples
The individual entrants would choose the category they wish to enter-
NOT an automated system..for a couple reasons-
NOVICES ----Anyone learning PS can enter an image at novice level,
and not have to face the big boys from day one---
ANYONE can enter novice--If I were to do a "VECTOR", which I have never done
before , I may enter it at novice.
Abuse?- Accomplished choppers can't take advantage of novice-
If I enter a "source only" in Novice- HA! I'll not only NOT get any votes, I'll
be hammered with bad comments
NEW members can vote in this section immediately,
once they have posted their first image

People will LOVE THAT!
Advanced NEW choppers,members are NOT barred from advanceed level !--
If your tough enough to "HANG"...THEN HANG!--
new members can not vote in 'advanced' until they have posted ten chops.
In fact-- "advanced would just be the contest we have now with a new title,
'novice' stuff would be the add-on.
Benefits- immediate involvement by voting and level playing field
contest for new members-- new members likely to get more votes and attention.
( aside idea here---- members now have 25 votes daily--
maybe an extra five that are "novice" dedicated and can't be used in the daily.)