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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Welcome Center - Hi from Buck... - Reply to topic


Location: Australia

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:06 am   Reply with quote         

Just thought I'd introduce myself and say Hi. Been here a couple of weeks and am having a ball! It's a bit addictive eh?
Anyway, my name's Brad and I live in Queensland, Australia. I'm still in awe of some of the stuff I see here on a regular basis....just hope I can slap something together one day that's even half as good.
Cheers guys.


Location: Glendale, Az.

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:10 am   Reply with quote         

Welcome Buck,
I have enjoyed your images. The "Gringo" entry was especially compelling..
All the best for continued success on the PSC site. Smile


Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:14 am   Reply with quote         

very impressed with some of your stuff Brad, you produce some great ideas

welcome bud Very Happy


Location: London, UK

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:01 am   Reply with quote         

Welcome to PSC, Brad! As marco says, you've made a very good start there - and good to see another PSCer around who does GIFfy anims! We need more of those (especially since L@rue, Rein and myself don't get a chance to post these days... *ahem* Razz )

Have fun at PSC and keep up the good work! Or as my other Aussie mates would say: "Onya" Laughing


Location: Sunny So California

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:12 pm   Reply with quote         

Welcome Brad. Your "Corona man" post is my favorite Gif of all time! I live in So, California, so I'm in a world of ole Abuelos like that (old Mexican grampas) and LOTS of icey cold Coronas with a lime in the mouth of the bottle.

You're doing some great chops! Keep it up. I will now read your comments with that aussie accent! G'day


Location: Somerville MA

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:41 pm   Reply with quote         

Welcome to the fun Brad, I enjoy your photoshop work and skills! Cool


Location: Australia

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:51 pm   Reply with quote         

Welcome fellow Auswallaby, cooee cobber and have a beer. (sorry about the Australian Slang but our American friends expect it from us Wink ). Say hell o to ya kangaroo and hope ya emus lay lots a eggs. (We both know we dont have pet Kangaroos and we dont eat emu eggs, but it keeps the natives amuzed Confused ). Cricky mate time to let me dingos of the lesh to catch some jumbucks, see ya around fello Aussie-ite. (Glad to see another Australian on the site, there are a few of us here. I like your work so far and hope to see more of it. If you ever need any help just PM me and if I can will see what I can do. Once again Welcome mate).

Well digare-me-do, is that the bloomin time...gots ta go mate. Laughing



Location: Sunny So California

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:06 pm   Reply with quote         

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!! You DON'T have a kangaroo? So, is everything else you told us a lie then???? Crying or Very sad

So the stuff about munching Veg-o-mite sandwiches is fantasy too? Well, bigbuck, blue should have PM'd you that info. I feel so let down now. *sob* No pet dingo either?
I feel so used.


Location: Australia

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:51 pm   Reply with quote         

Thanks for the warm welcome guys. Nah, no pet kangaroos or dingos here.....but do crocs count? Wink


Location: Sunny So California

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:15 pm   Reply with quote         

sure... we love a man with a big croc! Rolling Eyes Angel


Location: Netherlands

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:45 pm   Reply with quote         

Hi BigBuck!

first: welcome to psc

second: what's the name of the zoo's you got there? i've seen one on tv a while ago (yes it was steve irwins series) but forgot the name. I want to go there sometime but it's such a long trip and very expensive so probably i will never get there.
But maybe i can find a dvd or something about that so i can still watch whenever i want to.

and about the croc.. uh.. i prefer snakes Rolling Eyes

Little things can make BIG differences Very Happy

Location: Australia

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:19 pm   Reply with quote         

Hi Wendy,
Steve's place is the "Australia Zoo"
It's about an hour north of Brisbane.

vunt van pumununt

Location: the netherlands

Post Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:23 pm   Reply with quote         

hi buck. welcome! Very Happy

"This is a really cool quote"

Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Welcome Center - Hi from Buck... - Reply to topic

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