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Location: Netherlands
Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:04 pm Reply with quote
if that's possible i would appreciate it very much. It's just so frustrating!
Can you adjust the rules or does someone else have to do that? Can showcase fix it? he's the boss right? or isn't that ShowCase? I don't know,... just wanna vote. 
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Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:13 pm Reply with quote
As a few of you know, I have silently turned this resctriction off before. Within two months time we had former members using aliases to pad their stats.
Maintaining the integrity of the site and its stats is very important to nearly all of the users. Frankly, being able to vote from the same IP is not. This is one of those things that we will have to live with or find a work around for now.
Location: Netherlands
Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:21 pm Reply with quote
Sure integrity is very important to me to, no doubt about that.
do you know what SERIEUS other ways are there around?
And to all other members i want to know what you prefer: the comment without a vote or rather don't know about it and dont get a comment? I have the idea people will think: wow a comment, but where's the vote??? i do not want to explain for the rest of my time here that that's because of my ip.
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Rex Cross
Location: California
Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:03 pm Reply with quote
The fact that people can change their user-string, ip-address ( bounce off proxy, work, or friends ip), and can apply votes in a random distribution to confuse intentions. In my opinion makes the IP restriction obsolete. It might discourage the unmotivated not to do it, but it ends there. In the end, those who really want to change their stats are going to do it anyways, even in a unnoticable way (taking months, years to accumulate it). People are always going to taint stats under this system.
I have seen submissions that utterly stink go first place while better ones lay in the background. People who vote on popularity, habit, or laziness -- the results in this system are tainted with or without the ip restriction.
Security vs Usability
An old argument, but strictly speaking, this is a website for the people, not a defense organization (which I have worked for). Even working at the HQ for the Customs Dept. they had more usability than this site. If you let the people shape the site, more people will come. People thrive on freedom. Restrictions on freedom make people want to eliminate those restrictions.
If some idiots want to taint their stats, its a pyrrhic and empty victory, let them live with their poor self esteem. The best do not need to compare themselves to others for a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps if you release a graph of time for votes, posts on their stats, people can truly see for themselves what is going on. There are many PHP modules that will make graphs for you using the GD library (graphics). But putting a iron grip for a few morons only spoils it for the rest of us.
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Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:19 pm Reply with quote
You said it all in three words, "discourage the unmotivated" is EXACTLY what I am after here. That is a more important threshold than you brushed it off as.
Instead of wasting your time trying to present a mildly intelligent argument, why would you not have just spent that time explaining to the group how to alter their remote address string, use a remote proxy, etc? Since it is so easy to do, surely you could sum it up in a sentence or two for those who have little or no experience with that sort of thing.
I am an avid collector and connoisseur of complaints and suggestions, both new and old. However, this one, my friend, is a dead horse.
Rex Cross wrote: The fact that people can change their user-string, ip-address ( bounce off proxy, work, or friends ip), and can apply votes in a random distribution to confuse intentions. In my opinion makes the IP restriction obsolete. It might discourage the unmotivated not to do it, but it ends there. In the end, those who really want to change their stats are going to do it anyways, even in a unnoticable way (taking months, years to accumulate it). People are always going to taint stats under this system.
I have seen submissions that utterly stink go first place while better ones lay in the background. People who vote on popularity, habit, or laziness -- the results in this system are tainted with or without the ip restriction.
Security vs Usability
An old argument, but strictly speaking, this is a website for the people, not a defense organization (which I have worked for). Even working at the HQ for the Customs Dept. they had more usability than this site. If you let the people shape the site, more people will come. People thrive on freedom. Restrictions on freedom make people want to eliminate those restrictions.
If some idiots want to taint their stats, its a pyrrhic and empty victory, let them live with their poor self esteem. The best do not need to compare themselves to others for a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps if you release a graph of time for votes, posts on their stats, people can truly see for themselves what is going on. There are many PHP modules that will make graphs for you using the GD library (graphics). But putting a iron grip for a few morons only spoils it for the rest of us.
Rex Cross
Location: California
Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:52 pm Reply with quote
jmh132 wrote: You said it all in three words, "discourage the unmotivated" is EXACTLY what I am after here. That is a more important threshold than you brushed it off as.
Instead of wasting your time trying to present a mildly intelligent argument, why would you not have just spent that time explaining to the group how to alter their remote address string, use a remote proxy, etc? Since it is so easy to do, surely you could sum it up in a sentence or two for those who have little or no experience with that sort of thing.
I am an avid collector and connoisseur of complaints and suggestions, both new and old. However, this one, my friend, is a dead horse.
Well honestly, while I would love to solve the problems of my fellow PSCers, I would not attempt to take the responsibilities of running the site onto myself. While my suggestions are only meant to express the concerns of my wife, myself and apparently other PSCers--I am merely attempting to help the situation. I would very much like to see PSC flourish and I believe that the ip restriction will only hurt it. Although I would not come down to the level of personal attacks of intelligence, I see that I obviously cannot and will not compete with the operator of the site. As a paying customer and social-promoter of PSC, I used to believe that PSC is a considerate and profressionally ran website, I hope it becomes that way again.
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Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:01 pm Reply with quote
Shucks... I was hoping for a good proxy tutorial too
Rex Cross wrote: jmh132 wrote: You said it all in three words, "discourage the unmotivated" is EXACTLY what I am after here. That is a more important threshold than you brushed it off as.
Instead of wasting your time trying to present a mildly intelligent argument, why would you not have just spent that time explaining to the group how to alter their remote address string, use a remote proxy, etc? Since it is so easy to do, surely you could sum it up in a sentence or two for those who have little or no experience with that sort of thing.
I am an avid collector and connoisseur of complaints and suggestions, both new and old. However, this one, my friend, is a dead horse.
Well honestly, while I would love to solve the problems of my fellow PSCers, I would not attempt to take the responsibilities of running the site onto myself. While my suggestions are only meant to express the concerns of my wife, myself and apparently other PSCers--I am merely attempting to help the situation. I would very much like to see PSC flourish and I believe that the ip restriction will only hurt it. Although I would not come down to the level of personal attacks of intelligence, I see that I obviously cannot and will not compete with the operator of the site. As a paying customer and social-promoter of PSC, I used to believe that PSC is a considerate and profressionally ran website, I hope it becomes that way again.
Rex Cross
Location: California
Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:19 pm Reply with quote
 And I was hoping for the restriction to go away... 
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Location: Netherlands
Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:41 am Reply with quote
 you guys are funny.
JMH: i talked about it with Goeny, for now we will just vote and if we feel the need of commenting about a entry we will do that in the comment section. I also told a couple of people about or problem in the comment section. Now i get pm's if they don't understand and i will explain in my very best engelish with a ducht accent
So for now we will have to do it this way, cause i dont know about proxy's and stuff like that. Maybe if you ever find a tutorial you can let me know, so we can adjust things and make it work someway.
Thanks anyways for your time to try and think with us. That's very kind of you all!
Rex, if you know about proxy thingies please share that with us?? 
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Location: Brazil
Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:46 am Reply with quote
I say keep the IP restriction. Reason: Terrabyte: 15 aliases .: crappy entry beating hard work.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:37 am Reply with quote
good link, thanks RC
Rex Cross wrote:
Location: Netherlands
Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:26 pm Reply with quote
problem solved
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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - Need help, cant vote because of goeny's vote! - Reply to topic
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