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would you accept a duel?




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Total Votes: 23


Location: Stockton CA

Post Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:17 pm   Reply with quote         

I give up, the age of the Samurai is over-sad

Post Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:33 pm   Reply with quote         

which critics did you have in mind? Wink You shouldn't not listen to good criticism just because the criticizer may not be good at the actual chopping part. People can still see everything that may be wrong with a chop, all the little details, and, although they can't necessarily do the actual chopping, they can still see and say what needs to be done. Very Happy

"Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."

Post Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:36 pm   Reply with quote         

we used to have head to head contest, but people quit doing them, so they were removed


Location: Stockton CA

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:23 pm   Reply with quote         

Nimodo, si no entienden, ni que decir. Vaya con Dios!


Location: Brockton, Massachusetts

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:41 pm   Reply with quote         

I can do a lot more than what anyone else can here, but I do this as a living, so it would not be fair, would it?

You can make a living as an obnoxious conceited prick?...where was that THAT booth at the career fair? well I for one tremble at your artistic skills sir, and with great reverence and humility wish to decline your challenge.

Feral Hamster 06/29
ken, you ruin everyone else's good time,then as soon as you leave, other people actually stop in?

mason4300 09/22
I dont know why anyone thinks kencd7 is funny

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:48 pm   Reply with quote         

jalfaro wrote:
Have you guys heard of a new website that does the contests in a more direct way?

It used to be here.


Location: Brazil

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:54 pm   Reply with quote         

hey jalfaro... I can kick yer ass in PS, fuck your sister and smoke a cig all at the same time... wanna challenge me? just send me your sister and a pack of cigs and you have a duel. Oh... in case she's damn ugly, send a paper bag too.


TheShaman wrote:
fine fine! I'm an idiot!


Location: Brockton, Massachusetts

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:01 pm   Reply with quote         

Arc, that guy is SO gonna challenge you to a duel, you're playing with fire my friend Surprised

Feral Hamster 06/29
ken, you ruin everyone else's good time,then as soon as you leave, other people actually stop in?

mason4300 09/22
I dont know why anyone thinks kencd7 is funny

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:03 pm   Reply with quote         

yeah, just FedEx your sister to NOWHERE Cool


Location: Australia

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:09 pm   Reply with quote         

Hey jalfaro, BAWHAHAHAHAHA...funny as fuck...bring it on..aqnd if I can whoop ya ass then you dont stand a chance with the top choppers out here. Oh byt the way dont want to get ya sister involved, because well you know after all the insest and stuff...Im fussy where I put my dick...but send the smokes and some beers would be cool



Location: Brockton, Massachusetts

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:12 pm   Reply with quote         

And second of all this site was not made "for fun" it was made so JMH could generate income to support his $200 a day cocaine habit thank you very much. don't worry JMH I got your back.

Oh get your..yeah your nose..lil' powder ...right other side.... got're good.

Feral Hamster 06/29
ken, you ruin everyone else's good time,then as soon as you leave, other people actually stop in?

mason4300 09/22
I dont know why anyone thinks kencd7 is funny

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:13 pm   Reply with quote         

(I gotta powder my nose)

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:15 pm   Reply with quote         

my five bucks says he's a fourteen-year-old.


Location: Brockton, Massachusetts

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:20 pm   Reply with quote         

my five bucks says he's a fourteen-year-old.

For 5 bucks I'll bet he'll be anything you want him to be HK......sicko!

Feral Hamster 06/29
ken, you ruin everyone else's good time,then as soon as you leave, other people actually stop in?

mason4300 09/22
I dont know why anyone thinks kencd7 is funny

Post Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:22 pm   Reply with quote         


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