missrobin74 wrote:
Silly oversensitive people ....come on now... it wasn't that offensive...
I love the drawings... and I think he's picking up PS like a champ... he's not one of those people who says "I don't like all that checkerboard stuff in the background" hehe
Show - lighten up dude

Play nice... I think I've seen you offend... perhaps a time or two, no?

Dude...errr...ette, I was playing nice. Its your boy, bisquick, that was shakin things up. I was playing just a bit more louder than the rest of em, thats all
Anyway, we made up and we're gonna hang out some time at a bar and get drunk and call some skank whore the "C" word together! We will laugh, smack each other on the back, he'll try to slap my ass....and thats where it gets uncomfortable and our fantasy ends...
Im keeping the chocolates tho!!
I think he has tons of potential with or without PS when it comes to his doodles. Its more than I could ever do and he shouldnt stop just cuz some people here got a little uptight with it. Keep on choppin (err...not literaly, man. it means photoediting...put the knife away...just put it away.

(pssst...Robin, your boyfriend realizes that a "bisquit" is a light flaky pastry sorta thing, right?
