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Location: Netherlands
Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:57 pm Reply with quote
simple: wendy is my name.
smurfie: because i'm smaller than all of my friends and they started to call me smurfie.
_________________ Little things can make BIG differences 
Location: "The city of angels"... California!
Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:51 pm Reply with quote
 pretty long but here goes... 5 years ago when i was in sacred heart a catholic all girl school, my friends wanted to murder me for not having yahoo mail account... frankly i was just being lazy,  i had aim, bolt and myspace... its not like they couldn't reach me. My friend xochitl gave up asking me, fowarded everyone in her address book that she was getting a new account... and she gave me her account (prinzessxtc) with her password and everything. First off i rejected it... i didn't want people thinking i did ecstasy, that i didn't know how to spell princess because of all the ecstasy i was doing  or that i wanted to be thought of as a princess at all! But eventually i just used it for her and for her only i thought... to foward me CRAP... then she gave it to everyone we knew saying it was mine. Then more people started fowarding me crap, so i eventually got used to it. Guys i knew back then started calling me princess and then my friends followed... note: It's really weird hearing your girlfriends call you princess.  Anyway it became a nickname, so since back then all my usernames have had rockprinzess in them... Oh and how i came up with that was easy... didn't want to be called prinzess alone nor prinzessxtc so i called myself rockprinzess, Duh! I'm a huge rock fan! 
_________________ ~*Dinah*~
Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:29 pm Reply with quote
i used to do alot of gaming an sometimes when i got annoyed at some1 i wouyld change my name to something different and Team kill them haze for some reason Haze was my team killing name for counter strike
_________________ Photoshop is my only friend
Location: ahhh nutttthin!
Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:13 am Reply with quote
I was once in a meeting where some fellow technicians were
trying to come up with more important sounding titles for
themselves during a company wide reclassification. I made
up "computer janitor" for myself because I said I was paid
to cleanup other people's computer messes. It got the biggest
laugh of the day but also ticked off a number of them who
believed their titles were oh so important.

Location: Texas
Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:08 pm Reply with quote
i play lots of video games any kind that are with my systems or aren't stupid kid games. i've gotten so good at video games that i beat anyone who plays against me and any person who plays on my team is rewared with glory. my friends thought that i was so crazy about video games they thought i was twisted. I also have a big collection of dragon statues so i kind of put the names together and thats how i got twisteddragon. 
_________________ Bow to the mighty dragons!!!!!!!!!!! all will be crushed before their might!!!!!! 
Location: The Netherlands
Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:15 pm Reply with quote
Well when I joined PSC I had to have a nickname of I wanted a cool name who's got something to do with art, well DaVinci is the best artist ever  (He's also very populair at the moment with the DaVinci code and stuff) my real name is Mark btw...
Location: Texas
Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:16 pm Reply with quote
oh btw my real name is garland
_________________ Bow to the mighty dragons!!!!!!!!!!! all will be crushed before their might!!!!!! 
Location: Rochester, New York
Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:02 pm Reply with quote
It's my last name, just like the Science Fiction Author.
You can call me Jim.
Location: Planet Earth
Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:19 am Reply with quote
I was called "biscuit" in high school, but it was a very hazy time for me, so it could have come from many things...eating dog biscuits (meaty bone, mmm), or doing bad elvis impersonations-"gimme a big o'l fluffy biscuit"
But it was my listed name in my old band and a couple of newer ones, but my other answered name is Matt. Momma calls me matthew.
I prefer Matt, but that's a boring screen name.
Location: "The city of angels"... California!
Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:21 am Reply with quote
Btw! My name isn't Jessica Grey... rex said to make something up and to not reveal my real name on here. All my real names are biblical, but instead of telling you... here are your clues:
First name: God's Judgement
Middle name: House of God
Maiden last name: Latin derivation of Matthew
and my new last name which isn't biblical or at least i don't think it is... is Hacky and Rex's last name.
Oh and if you know the answers, please don't post them... you can PM me though. 
_________________ ~*Dinah*~
Location: Argentina
Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:31 am Reply with quote
well... first my name is Tobias... that's like tobini... i started doing magic before having the 3d, animation, ps, webmaster, programming, enciphering..... things.. so i was studying some of the houdini tricks.... and that's it.. in someway i started calling me tobini!
but toba is another of my nicknames... my best friends gave me the name!
_________________ Photoshop Rulezz!
Lord David
Location: Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001, United Federation of Planets, Alpha Quadrant.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:49 pm Reply with quote
I am Lord David,
My name is self explanitory. 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:31 pm Reply with quote
Janitor wrote: I was once in a meeting where some fellow technicians were
trying to come up with more important sounding titles for
themselves during a company wide reclassification. I made
up "computer janitor" for myself because I said I was paid
to cleanup other people's computer messes. It got the biggest
laugh of the day but also ticked off a number of them who
believed their titles were oh so important.

Great story, Janitor, and so true too. Do you have a "real title" I mean, "name?"
and Twisted Dragon, when are you going to stop playing games and start choppin'????
Location: Kent, UK
Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:25 am Reply with quote
I am Mattybee - Was my DJ name, but i was sh*t so didn't go pro
and it has just stuck
Location: London
Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:45 am Reply with quote
When I was a junior artworker someone cut out a picture of a fly and stuck a picture of my head on it, then they glued it to the minute hand of the large clock in the studio and flyman was born, I went round and round that clock for about 5 years

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