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Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:37 pm Reply with quote
Unlike most people will think, my nick has nothing to do with graphics. Used to play some online gam where my nick was Green Fires (yeah, I was young). Shortenend it out a bit and added an X (seems to be cool  )
Btw my real name is Tony David, but that doesn't sound good on the net 
Location: Polignano a Mare, Italy
Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:20 am Reply with quote
Riccardo's my name (Richard in the USA and in England); "S" is the first letter of my surname. This is the first time I use this nickname, I always used Carnage (i'm a Marvel Comic's fan), but in an american site I wanted to make more visible my roots. 
_________________ Bring it on!
Location: Paris (France)
Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:34 pm Reply with quote
karell: It is my true name since I was born 
Location: California & Idaho
Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Cause police call sign (over the radio) for a possible crazy mental person is 5150....
and the majority of my friends often question my mental stability (jk) so they used to say I-could-be-5150 so I dropped the "I" and the "E" and there ya go COULDB5150
JUST MAKE THE VOICES IN MY HEAD GO AWAY !!!!!javascript:emoticon('  ')
Location: Texas
Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:57 pm Reply with quote
Well, I work with tools (construction business) and a nutdriver is a tool. My friends say I'm a little crazy so I put in an extra "t" ....Nuttdriver  You can call me Nutt.
Someone at PSC used to call me Nuttdragger
I think it was scrolbar.
_________________ Chemists do it on the table periodically
Location: From Maryland to Oklahoma
Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:54 pm Reply with quote
Well actually I wanted the nic: Bitch@Anything but it wasn't allowed in most sites... sooooo... I would be 'KICKED' by the Sysops who when 'permanantly banning the nic from the site would often comment: "the nic "Bitch@Anything" is an almost perfect name for the internet.... and even though I personally like it... unfortunately it's not allowed in our general public site"
So..... I changed it to AlmostPerfect so I could enter all the web sites I wanted.
Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:45 pm Reply with quote
Ok, here's the explanation of my name: Azionite
A Zion-ite One who is from the city/region of Zion.
Zion is a mountain in the city of Jerusalem (Israel). It is a recognition of my Christian faith and the historical significance of the area surrounding Jerusalem.
One of my favorite movies is The Matrix and the last remaining human city in that film is the city of Zion.
If there is a place in this world that portrays the hope of a better place and breaking free from the "machine" of life. I'm all for being associated with that ideal!
Plus I just thought it sounded cool. 
Location: Brisbane Australia
Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:17 pm Reply with quote
by a very reveared BB sage called Doc Vikingo (This guy has dived the World over and there was a contest to see if we could find a place he hadn't been to and dived...we lost!!!)
Anyhow I couldn't think of one, so he came up with Wiz, short for Wizard of Oz as I was from Down-Under. I've been advised that there is another less attractive side to the name but I usually reply "Go take a Leak, or I might turn in your direction!" LOL!
FYI: The Scuba Board is and has a managerie of slightly insane 'critters' over there. If you like diving give it a go.
Location: Brisbane Australia
Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:18 pm Reply with quote
by a very reveared BB sage called Doc Vikingo (This guy has dived the World over and there was a contest to see if we could find a place he hadn't been to and dived...we lost!!!)
Anyhow I couldn't think of one, so he came up with Wiz, short for Wizard of Oz as I was from Down-Under. I've been advised that there is another less attractive side to the name but I usually reply "Go take a Leak, or I might turn in your direction!" LOL!
FYI: The Scuba Board is and has a managerie of slightly insane 'critters' over there. If you like diving give it a go.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:30 pm Reply with quote
It appears ya ain't a WIZ at posting in the threads!

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Brisbane Australia
Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:40 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: It appears ya ain't a WIZ at posting in the threads!

Can't wait to respond in the same vein Reinman, I'll be on the lookout for you and your next slip on the keyboard. BTW: I like 'flaming' as well, so if you want to start on the wrong foot, so be it!
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:16 am Reply with quote
Wiz wrote: ReinMan wrote: It appears ya ain't a WIZ at posting in the threads!

Can't wait to respond in the same vein Reinman, I'll be on the lookout for you and your next slip on the keyboard.
Just forget it, Rein doesnt make ANY mistakes!
Location: Brisbane Australia
Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:26 am Reply with quote
yello_piggy wrote: Wiz wrote: ReinMan wrote: It appears ya ain't a WIZ at posting in the threads!

Can't wait to respond in the same vein Reinman, I'll be on the lookout for you and your next slip on the keyboard.
Just forget it, Rein doesnt make ANY mistakes!
He just did
Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:42 pm Reply with quote
Wiz wrote: ReinMan wrote: It appears ya ain't a WIZ at posting in the threads!

Can't wait to respond in the same vein Reinman, I'll be on the lookout for you and your next slip on the keyboard. BTW: I like 'flaming' as well, so if you want to start on the wrong foot, so be it!
Wow WIZ, you've been here for just one day and you are already actively looking to cause strife on this site. If your emoticons are an accurate visual representation of your feelings (a toothy smile after your name prior to Reinman's comment and none afterward, coupled with an 'evil' emoticon after your statement quoted above) then I would expect you to recognize that Reinman's emoticons are too. He was JOKING AROUND WITH THE NEW GUY. Perhaps those insane 'critters' over at the scuba board have put you one the defensive. My suggestion is to take a few deep breaths (regulator optional) and start over. Remove the diving bell and come snorkel with us.
_________________ nancers 04/05 @ 10:40 pm
I like beefhead. He's such a noob. Guide him someone, please?
nancers 04/06 @ 08:41 pm
Because you don't count beef. JMH decided that when you were a noob.
PooDeFuego 06/23 @ 03:32 pm
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