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should Gif entries be allowed slightly more file size than jpegs? |
Yes |
44% |
[ 13 ] |
No |
37% |
[ 11 ] |
Yes but jpegs size should increase too |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
Slap marco, then roll eyes while walking away mumbling 'stupid Brit, probably doesn't know what a Gif is' |
10% |
[ 3 ] |
Yes but not as much as you suggest |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
Total Votes: 29
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:25 am Reply with quote
I do not know if this has been raised at all, but I was thinking, so I thought I would stick it down in a new thread.
Basically, I am not one for making gifs for PSC, I really should do one but have even less time now, so seems unlikely.
anyway, my point is. Would it be seen as unfair to up the size of gifs. Say if you are a none advantage user raise it from 75k to 125k
and if you are an advantage user up it from 125k to say maybe 200k?
I always respect the gif makers here, alot of work goes into alot of them, but because of the detail alot are forced to be unbelievably small.
The size constraints on jpeg entries for flat images are fine in my opinion. you can get a great image for 125k, and even 75k
so basically what I am asking, is for the giffers out there, would it be possible to give them a little more to play with, and leave the jpeg limits where they are?
I for one would love to see slightly bigger gifs going on.
Location: Australia
Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:45 am Reply with quote
That's a great idea Marco....... I, for one, would really appreciate that. Interestingly, I've binned three gifs this afternoon because by the time I got them under 125, they were either so small, or of such poor quality that I'd not be prepared to post them.
Here's hoping eh?
Location: Netherlands
Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:17 am Reply with quote
 That would be great. I made only one, but i needed Splodge and Caf to help me make it smaller without loosing to much of the gif. Those things are hard to compress if you still want them to look good.
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Site Moderator
Location: South Carolina
Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:01 am Reply with quote
Another alternative (although it requires an extra click by the viewer) is to have a free picture hosting service like imageshack to host the gif.
Imageshack lets you post pics up to 1024k.
I did this recently for the tile contest:
Probably not as preferable as what you're suggesting, but an alternative nonetheless...
Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe, right hand of the USA
Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:36 am Reply with quote
Hm, I personaly think that it is "no good". The low sice makes lot's of gif ideas senseless, a kind of natural selection. Yes gif's are fun, but they schouldn't become to much and I don't realy think that a biger sice would make them better - just more perfect. Maybe with 6 gifs out of 31 posts I shouldn't be to loud - but anyway that's my opinion.
_________________ Once he was addicted to psc - Now he's dead and free.
Location: Australia
Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:42 am Reply with quote
I like gify magic and I like the challenge in getting a respectable image size for a respectable gif. Keep it as it is, like Mr rashdog said...we can always link it to another site.
Location: East Coast!
Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:02 am Reply with quote
I just posted a gif at like 150px its awful and ilinked a 550px swf that had exactly the same filesize
_________________ Look out behind you!
Location: Montreal
Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:15 am Reply with quote
I wouldn't tolerate Gif at all... Except for L@rue. 
_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:09 am Reply with quote
I like gifs but I like the idea of the restricted file size too. The restricted size forces you to be more creative (IMHO).
As for linking to a larger size I'm all for it but I try to base my vote on what was actually submitted to the contest. Otherwise we'd have people submitting huge jpgegs and linking their submission to the "better" version.
So; in conclusion; keep the size the same, let people link to bigger versions, and here comes Showcase somewhere along the line.... 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
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Location: Livonia, Michigan
Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:07 am Reply with quote
I agree with is a challenge to create a gif that fits within the constraints. It is, however, quite possible to create nice size gifs that fit. There will be one comming from me very soon that actually uses the full resolution (pixel size) without much loss in quality from it's still jpg version.
As for those who are intollerant of gifs in general...well that's just obsurd. This is Image ready is as much a part of photoshop as the rubberstamp tool. gifs take a lot of time and energy to create and should be just as well recieved as any jpg images submitted and not be discounted because it is an animated gif....that is just MHO.
_________________ Contemplate this on the tree of woe. -Thulsa Doom
Location: Germany
Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:06 pm Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: I like gifs but I like the idea of the restricted file size too. The restricted size forces you to be more creative (IMHO).
I agree with Tofu, but that will be reasonable:
marcoballistic wrote: .........and if you are an advantage user up it from 125k to say maybe 200k?
Location: E-ville, IL
Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:10 pm Reply with quote
FootFungas wrote: I just posted a gif at like 150px its awful and ilinked a 550px swf that had exactly the same filesize
Would it be possible to do flash entries on this site?
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