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Season 2
MoZub vs dewking
winner! votes round compare to
MoZub 64 Round #1 original
Winning Image

Voting Details
deshone deshone
Doodler! Doodler!
hey babe
base-zum base-zum
leif leif
scrolbar scrolbar
fluados fluados
jerry717 jerry717
Both good...but this one is more fun.
jmh132 jmh132
both good, this one I thought was a bit more creative
billtvshow billtvshow
one of the more original ones
jasper jasper
now - WHO woulda thought of that. scintillating!
Rondo Rondo
mmm not fair have to chooose between dew and mozub!
Panardo Panardo
Funny Penguins vote
KaBooM KaBooM
penguin vote!
Arthoo Arthoo
nyxxie nyxxie
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
batichan batichan
really original!!!
flondo flondo
anfa anfa
EddyG EddyG
ScionShade ScionShade
metalic metalic
bluefist bluefist
Benito Benito
blackfox blackfox
splodge splodge
paradoxia paradoxia
Curran Curran
Square Square
Now that looks like fun :-)
Serps Serps
supak0ma supak0ma
wooo penguins!
occecid occecid
ReinMan ReinMan
those wacky (yet formal looking) birds! :)
anonymoo anonymoo
fleshyman fleshyman
clever girl, clarice.
ironmc43 ironmc43
skahuna skahuna
P@u P@u
luny luny
Chopper Chopper
Two users against each other that I really like. I'll feel guilty for whoever I don't vote for, but I'll choose this one. Good job!
Zetape Zetape
chrispis chrispis
nekro nekro
yhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Ha! Funny.
charpentier charpentier
queen0fbats queen0fbats
errrm apart from the fact that the aurora borealis occurs on the north pole, whereas penguins only occur in the southern hemisphere (which is why polar bears never get to tast penguin), this is a beautiful composition
Capella Capella
Hellekro Hellekro
LOL - funny idea
Obernik Obernik
flyman flyman
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
laurent24 laurent24
DLowrie DLowrie
hesaid hesaid
the202 the202
sonnysan sonnysan
Maqui Maqui
pshene pshene
wonderful job
heyyou heyyou
skippy skippy
ErikMartin ErikMartin
Adesign Adesign
Wauw, like this one!
tcrkay tcrkay

author votes round compare to
dewking 33 Round #1 original

Voting Details
woodie woodie
Aah Haaa!
punkil0g158 punkil0g158
seen it but i understand how it is to have the same idea as another person but i like the baby in there hahaha good stuff nj though
jerico jerico
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Both equally good. This is tough.
joelfreeman joelfreeman
PSman PSman
txpinky txpinky
gravyboat gravyboat
Chicken Chicken
SugarJunkie SugarJunkie
lockfist lockfist
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Sloth Sloth
L@rue L@rue
stl7dust stl7dust
jyo jyo
alzeke alzeke
kencd7 kencd7
I think Stevi Nicks is like Fifty-something but I'd still throw one in her.
Wett Wett
Showcase Showcase
Both were great!
Iowa2002 Iowa2002
Kati Kati
DoctorWu DoctorWu
16ozBud 16ozBud
HKlevjer HKlevjer
Klondikbar Klondikbar
xovlov xovlov
laughing never hurt so much!
rytec rytec
shocker shocker
EvilTigr EvilTigr
HoldOrFold HoldOrFold
misterP misterP
no, you play it where it lies!

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PSC Time 5:06 am EST