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ngsp and the B&E
ngsp and the B&E
Is that the ngsp.......hey how did he get in there. Matt you going to jail for B&E if you get caught. Dont worry the only proof is this photo. I will burn after the contest if the price is right.bwaahahahahaha

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hah dew thats funny.... seems like some thing i'd do anyways lol i know i've never done that.... i'm a perfect little angel lol ;)
abraham abraham
twisted_pixie25 twisted_pixie25
HAHAHAHA! Gotta give blackmail props! Good idea Dew, and yeah this looks like something he would do huh?! lol
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I really really really like the lighting you have put on this Dew, very good backdrop, great theme and mood, bravo
manic_d manic_d
lancoma lancoma
tadams tadams
Can't be NGSP. The guy pictured is a much better skate dude. Bwa ha ha. Sorry, NGSP. I couldn't resist insulting you through DD's incriminating photo.
anabrin anabrin
Perfect fit Dew, amazing!


dewdew dewdew
dude when the cops arrive, just run towards the gate and yell thank god.......i have been here all night. They should announce when they are closing the gate's.
well hell ya knows iz gots ta fav this one ;)
dewdew dewdew
thanks marco....i have a learning curve.....well actually it seems to be a complete circle. I have found it hard to light something from the back. Thanks for all ya'lls comments. Matt has informed me punishment will be swift but painful. bwahahahaha

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 ngsp and the B&E
by dewdew
Created October 03, 2007
8 votes   3 comments
1280w x 960h (472KB)

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