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Is it Michael or Mick?
Is it Michael or Mick?
all source...couldn't get the original size to upload so it's distorted, grrrr. I was going to replace this with my last chop..but since Marco voted on it, I count it as an honor... so let's all have a good it Michael Jackass or Mick Jagger?

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marcoballistic marcoballistic
I like this way Sal, its got the rubber lips of Mick Jagger going on, respect to that. god creative thinking
welan welan
abraham abraham
good idea
Martrex Martrex
manic_d manic_d
i like this one too..
Wiz Wiz
"Nice try Sal' that is soooo distorted it's got to be Wacko Jacko!" LOL!
WhimSea WhimSea
it's michael!
thurnz thurnz


Salvezza Salvezza
lmao..Marco you rock...but I was thinking it looked more like Michael Jackson...bahaaahhaaaahhaaaaa
Salvezza Salvezza
thanks guys xoxox you both rock!
WhimSea WhimSea
the other white meat
Salvezza Salvezza
you guys crack me up. roflmao..:P
manic_d manic_d
you know the more I look at this I think it's Diana Ross........ yeah
Salvezza Salvezza
oh nooo I thought Diana Ross too...but again I think that's who Michael is trying to look like..
WhimSea WhimSea
aren't they the same person? :-)

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 Is it Michael or Mick?
by Salvezza
Created October 07, 2007
8 votes   7 comments
500w x 350h (94KB)

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