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The Garden
The Garden
Layers and layers and layers.... about 8 hours of work here.

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creatrix creatrix
TheShaman TheShaman
jasper jasper
Salvezza Salvezza
very nice Julie..
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Good work with the water
CarlC CarlC
marcoballistic marcoballistic
one of your finest entries Julie, startling imagery and really pleasing on the eye
annajon annajon
kinetic_be kinetic_be
it was worth the 8 hours. Looks very good.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I like this one Julie. I like the effects achieved and the overall look. One of your best in my opinion. Kudos on this one!
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
I like this one. good feel. the figure is too blurred i think. his shadow is even sharper than him.
Persuader Persuader
kazzius kazzius
Dead Man Dead Man
Soze Soze
WilKir WilKir
dbbowling dbbowling
wow...awesome :)
yello_piggy yello_piggy
I like it
StephenBif StephenBif
L@rue L@rue
abraham abraham
anabrin anabrin
Synthvet Synthvet
ece ece
lancoma lancoma
what were you doing here for 8 hours? 249 entries posted? this should go much easier after that amount of entries :)
stive stive
gsenthil gsenthil
milu milu
jan yang jan yang


anfa anfa
I don't get it!
Salvezza Salvezza
Julie I guess be cause you get more votes, and a nice comment or two you get the big head, and think it's ok to put down someone for what ever reason you can find, in that small mind of yours! LOL
Do you know why I stopped you JClark? "No, was it my entry?" Yes you are posting entries and lying about your time spent. A direct violation please wait while you are redirected to If you do not wish to wait you can cancel your account
Red_Lighter Red_Lighter
The shadow on the statue doesnt match the reflection of the light on the water, gardens usually have flowers and not a pool, and is that a waterfall coming out of the sky?
creatrix creatrix
Why's the sum throwing up? And shouldn't that blue person's shadow be softer in that light? Just passin' it back a bit... but this really is a very pretty image.
creatrix creatrix
sun. why's the SUN throwing up... (note to self, when being obnoxious, check for typos.) :-)
Claf Claf
Anfa, I'm not sure but I think some like to put gnomes or plastic flamingos in their garden. Julie just prefer a fake luminous Jesus. Maybe that's why the sun's throwing up... !?
the202 the202
8 hours
tsitra tsitra
this is too blue, pictures of glowing jesus are suppose to be yellow and warm especially the sons rays. it hasto be warm to swim. also the proportions and reflection are wack. also fyi . .there is a difference in critism and constructive critism.
JClark8220 JClark8220
tsitra, blue? I think you need to adjust your monitor. And your attitude.
Micose Micose
this aint bad at all. I would have vote for this one July.

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 The Garden
by JClark8220
Created February 03, 2008
29 votes   11 comments
1280w x 960h (198KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  0
idea  0
theme  2

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