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Plant Prey
Plant Prey
I protest that the size requirements seriously degrade the quality and detail necessary to differentiate truly excellent work from mediocrity. Even merely allowing a size limit of say, 250k would be better than a puny 125k...your volume can't be THAT m

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malnsk malnsk
nice shadows
glennhanna glennhanna
caprix3 caprix3
nunosk8 nunosk8
anabe anabe
greeneyes greeneyes
Janfet Janfet
Dead Man Dead Man
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
yello_piggy yello_piggy


malnsk malnsk
ok this one is good!
MorganMurphy MorganMurphy
I love it!!! You should have more votes!!!
nice chop...and you show skills. but why rag on the file size? granted its small in size... why not post your links to externals? and why refer to us as YOUR? you took the time to enter a chop here... the size requirements should make you work harder here
quikdeth quikdeth
Ok, Nogoodsk8rpunk made his/her point...I suppose I should not be so negative (no pun intended!); really, I enjoy the challenge, I guess I was mad because I spent time working on some details that would not translate...I promise my next rant will B nicer!
quikdeth quikdeth
wow...after re-reading my "protest"...damn doesn't it suck when you commit to "virtual ink" and only later realize what an ass it makes you sound like? Shame shame on me. I recant, and am happy to play by the rules. Thanks for not hating on me so much :D

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 Plant Prey
by quikdeth
Created June 07, 2008
11 votes   5 comments
704w x 600h (111KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  0
idea  1
theme  0

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