I thought I would revive the Dinosaur-Jewelry look...maybe Paris Hilton will pick up on it and I'll become rich selling these...or my business will become extinct.......;) |
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JGJ Media
Thanks for the comments...yeah, I might not make a fortune on this....but it was fun to make...now, if this was gold, I could sell it and at least pay my rent for the month...lol
JGJ Media
Yes, I was trying to get a glimmer on the ruby eyes, but couldn't get it to look natural, so I gave up on that part. Yes, it reminds me of Mortal kombat a bit too....lol
Dinosaur Amulet
by JGJ Media
Created November 17, 2009
26 votes
1000w x 750h (395KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
2 |
humor |
1 |
idea |
5 |
theme |
1 |
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