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My fluffy little friend
My fluffy little friend
Go large for fluffy details

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Tarmac Tarmac
bud1121 bud1121
nice rebuild
jcfreak6363 jcfreak6363
rohanpujaris rohanpujaris
Hagen Hagen
Great execution...! Maybe keep a background for this dog...? Just a suggestion...! Anyway...! +1
Heinlein Heinlein
Alternative Orchid Alternative Orchid
papavales papavales
try burn tool at the edges of the ears. cool work
charliesou charliesou
Lovely work.
Laredo Laredo
captainSMITTY11 captainSMITTY11
foreheads too big and its too can see a drastic color change on the left side. but i think its still vote worthy :)
the burning couch the burning couch
Real Good*! The color balance is a bit off. Less red tones and more yellow/green (just a bit in the mid-range)to what you've thinks
gramps gramps
Mel47 Mel47
johndownunder johndownunder
Sunniva Sunniva
bogonet bogonet
Zoeon Zoeon
very nice
daKimmer daKimmer
acire111 acire111
A real cutie :-)
NButler NButler
Dream_weaver Dream_weaver
MikeDascola MikeDascola
Van Schuyler Van Schuyler
EliasG EliasG
seelcraft seelcraft
Ivan Roujev Ivan Roujev
Martrex Martrex
Tesore Tesore
Awww... so sweet!
CarlC CarlC
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
BellaBelle BellaBelle
So love how you did the buildup all the way down to the little hairs on the top of his head hehehe too cute!!!
YerPalAl YerPalAl
m0nk m0nk


the burning couch the burning couch
oop...looks like captainSMITTY was quicker on the draw*!*
Meta Version Meta Version
Digging this. It looks as though you were thinking a-head ;)
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Captain & Tbc, good remarks, I didn't notice and will correct this later. Thanks!
kinetic_be kinetic_be
@ BellaBelle. I found a photo of a Pug, which I warped into the right position of the source. Once it was shaped in place, I matched the colours and painted the hairs surrounding again. The hairs took the longest work.
Zoeon Zoeon
congrats 3 place

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 My fluffy little friend
by kinetic_be
Created August 05, 2011
35 votes   5 comments
864w x 960h (280KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  7
humor  0
idea  0
theme  0

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