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Chicken Fame
Chicken Fame

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Osquip Osquip
Chicken Bieber?
johndownunder johndownunder
Welcome to the comp
Tesore Tesore
Some shadows would be nice. But you better ask other people about that! ;-)
TheShaman TheShaman
shadow |ˈ sh adō| : a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface... As in your chicken needs some from the spotlights above ;) Also, that one foot could use some TLC. but welcome.
roger1 roger1
Welcome :)
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
Mel47 Mel47
nevet nevet
Martrex Martrex
Totoy Totoy
abraham abraham
BSmatic BSmatic


Crecia Crecia
Crecia Crecia
Oh god.. I know what a shadow is. And I understand what needs to be fixed. I said "Huh?" because he/she said "But you better ask other people about that! ;)" The winky face threw me off just a tad bit. Just didn't know if it was important.
Crecia Crecia
Thank ya btw.
TheShaman TheShaman
the definition was a joke.

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 Chicken Fame
by Crecia
Created June 20, 2012
12 votes   4 comments
700w x 527h (95KB)

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