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Shagging Wagon
Shagging Wagon
** updated version from BigGame's advice, but I am not sure if I did it right. I didn't know much about feathering. Didn't chop much, mostly painting and working the pen tool

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BigGame3113 BigGame3113
Nice, Lynnette! Your pieces are improving. 2 things that might help this one: feather the edges of the decals to match the edges of the original pic. | Add a little noise to the top decal to match surrounding noise. Also, nice color change of the va
blackfox blackfox
ShootHerman ShootHerman
panchocat panchocat
ck ck
anfa anfa
mason4300 mason4300
seelcraft seelcraft
Osvaldo Osvaldo
She@iT She@iT
YerPalAl YerPalAl


BigGame3113 BigGame3113
*Also, nice color change of the van!
panchocat panchocat
I think, back in the day, they would call it "the Love Machine".LOL Try, EDIT>TRANSFORM>PERSPECTIVE on the fonts to get them to conform a little better. Nice Job
BigGame3113 BigGame3113
I should've said to add a very subtle Gaussian blur to the both decals, cause the decasl look sharper than the rest of the van. If you know what I mean. :) Turn it into a smart object first so the blur and noise effects are nondestructive.
seelcraft seelcraft
Luxwiz Luxwiz
congrats Lynnette :)
BigGame3113 BigGame3113
Congrats, Lynette!!
Lynnette0807 Lynnette0807
Thank you very much and thanks for the help!
ShootHerman ShootHerman

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 Shagging Wagon
by Lynnette0807
Created July 14, 2017
12 votes   8 comments
1280w x 960h (453KB)

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