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The Nite Before Xmas
The Nite Before Xmas
PSD file below...late idea,probably better in large format...Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house... Merry Christmas everyone: :) external Santa: [img]

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Lynnette0807 Lynnette0807
I love it! Merry Christmas Luis:-)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
BigGame3113 BigGame3113
Merry Christmas! :)
Kay Cee Kay Cee
candron candron
vokaris vokaris
She@iT She@iT
vicspa vicspa
tadams tadams
seelcraft seelcraft
YerPalAl YerPalAl


Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Merry Christmas, Luis. Nice job with the snow. Were you able to paste Santa and company with the snowy background, or did you have to got through the pain of cutting them out?
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
"got through" = "go through"
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Aging sucks.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
thanks Ted... I had to cut them out but the more tedious job was the visual integration (color tonality,contrast and exposure settings) link to external up in author's description so you see what I mean...
candron candron
good upd
Luxwiz Luxwiz
PSD for anyone interested:
vicspa vicspa
Perfect, Merry Christmas.
patrickaprigio patrickaprigio
good :)
Lynnette0807 Lynnette0807
hey Luis - I checked out your psd file. You used quite a bit of layers, is this normal? because mine since I started here, are not even close, which could be one thing I am lacking in my chops:-)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
well it's not always the amount of layers that count ,it's the application of just the right layers you need to achieve the results you are looking for...
BigGame3113 BigGame3113
Thanks for providing the PSD file Luis! Very nice attention to detail. I always love dissecting other people's work!
Luxwiz Luxwiz
also I tend to save grouped layers folder after flattening it in case I have to go back and edit individual files later,and other times I add extra adjustment layers as I go instead of going back and editing the prior ones...
Luxwiz Luxwiz
I tend to improvise a lot so sometimes I loose track of what I've done before and the layers tend to pile up...if I have time I will go back and organize the PSD if not it can turn out to be a bit chaotic...this one I organized a bit before sharing :)
Lynnette0807 Lynnette0807
I like the idea of grouping too because if you have to make a change you can do it easier than actually making the adjustment to the picture itself:-)
seelcraft seelcraft
candron candron
Congrats Luis, great win
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Merry Christmas and Congrats.;-)
tadams tadams
You pulled off another well done job, Santa!
vicspa vicspa
nice psd Luis, I always like when layers are named, I'm too lazy to do that.
BigGame3113 BigGame3113
Congrats, Luis!
Lynnette0807 Lynnette0807
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Congrats, Luis! Merry Christmas!
Luxwiz Luxwiz
thanks again everyone and enjoy these holidays wherever you may be on our little blue planet :)
bourbon bourbon
Luxwiz Luxwiz
thanks bourbon :)

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 The Nite Before Xmas
by Luxwiz
Created December 21, 2017
11 votes   25 comments
1280w x 960h (377KB)

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