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Photoshop Contest Entry #47436

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styson styson
hah, pretty good work
L@rue L@rue
I like it and also I like the job you did on grass and shadow
kbgirl kbgirl
extremely clean work..good mind.
sonnysan sonnysan
deshone deshone
like how you extended the people in front ...
berger berger
ohh thats funny
billtvshow billtvshow
Agree with #6, this is my fave right now.
metalic metalic
nancers nancers
Kidlet vote
fluados fluados
stl7dust stl7dust
lol the unexpected hit.. lol
nekro nekro
i like it, really :)
gfx_lac gfx_lac
best idea for this daily picture
Zingaro Zingaro
jerico jerico
is that Bush's speech writer coming to his rescue?...
scotto scotto
kopeski kopeski
PotHed PotHed
If history repeated itself accurately, Bush should have died last year. DAMN!
Showcase Showcase
nyxxie nyxxie
spackler spackler
batichan batichan
awesome work!!!
paradoxia paradoxia
jasper jasper
super duper
Chukn8r Chukn8r
ReinMan ReinMan
Hmmmmm.... if that child has a bad attack of flatulence in the next few minutes the fate of the world could change drastically!!
16ozBud 16ozBud
Obernik Obernik
Chopper Chopper
tcrkay tcrkay
big boy
Frenz Frenz
Serps Serps
splodge splodge
anfa anfa
MoZub MoZub
gettim girl!!! I mean... thats wrong...
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
contraversial ;)
HandToolUK HandToolUK


flyman flyman
not created to offend!!
geekdiggy geekdiggy
damn you sure found the perfect source pics for creating the bottom half of the picture
Fugue Fugue
This is UNAMERICAN!... I love it. Wish I could vote. Nit-pick: the light should be hitting the kid's back too.
PotHed PotHed
btw, that is an enormous kid
Showcase Showcase
maybe its a big tricycle.
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Size comments can be made in this thread: Thank you.
Tshadow05 Tshadow05
Its very good. But I think the bomb should have been a little bit bigger, so people notice it easyer
Chopper Chopper
Size Comment...It's called "forshortening".

 White House Lawn
White House Lawn zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by flyman
Created February 25, 2004
37 votes   8 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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