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Photoshop Contest Entry #51243

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j-elzic j-elzic
jasper jasper
ReinMan ReinMan
I certainly won't vote for Kerry. Nor Bush. This is due to a condition I have called Being Canadian ;) But I can vote for this!
Robaccomando Robaccomando
awesome friggin job!
chrispis chrispis
wittekoppeke wittekoppeke
supak0ma supak0ma
Oh yes, you are a smart one aren't you. Osama wouldn't vote for Kerry? Yes, he's much rather vote for the man thats hell bent on killing him, get a clue! ppl dont have a clue of what is going on, i'll vote for that and for this good chop ;)
ScionShade ScionShade
So, nearing the end of the 'Kerry contest' and now I do My votiing. Turns out that this is the ONLY image in the contest I feel is worthy of a vote (gave the MJ one, it made me laugh) INSITEFULL, well chopped, Great JOB!
Serps Serps
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Well, the US politics bores me, but this post is well done. Even if some of the predictions may be premature! :)


blackfox blackfox
OMG. . . after 2005 the communists took over America. . .RUN AWAY. . .RUN AWAY!!!!
Chopper Chopper
OMG....a female president? Get a rope!
pikkelweezel pikkelweezel
Osama would vote for Kerry,,, will you?
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
yikes. scary thought. I'd almost prefer Tipper over that old hag
Chopper Chopper
Personally? Yes, I would vote for Kerry. I don't buy into Bush's BS scare tactics that the world is falling apart and he is our only savior.
jenloves jenloves
Please No! and No!
Chopper Chopper
You know, I knew I wouldn't get many votes for this, but just the annoying right-wing conservatives was satisfactory enough for me. ;)
mezopunk mezopunk
Actually...The Bin Laden family has recieved $$ from the Bush family. So, little Osama would probably not vote for Kerry.
pikkelweezel pikkelweezel
Oh yes, you are a smart one aren't you. Osama wouldn't vote for Kerry? Yes, he's much rather vote for the man thats hell bent on killing him, get a clue!
pikkelweezel pikkelweezel
OK, Osama's family is much more wealthy than the Bush's, why in the world would they get money from the Bush Fam, they are obviously from Clifornia, Only place to find someone that stupid.
pikkelweezel pikkelweezel
California that is, oops, who's stupid now,,, me!
nice gfx job
Chopper Chopper
Thanks Reinman...finally people might vote on this rather than bicker about politics. For those of you too clueless, this is a joke. It's what democrats and republicans are talking about all the time...that Hillary will one day run for president. Lighten
MrBee MrBee
this one is the best !
ScionShade ScionShade
Oh look, Chopper was in discussions crying that he wasn't getting votes for this image, then all of a sudden more votes. Chopper, You cry about Your votes in discussions all the time, then people come vote for you. It's a little unfair don't You think?
chrispis chrispis
conservatives are conservative
Chopper Chopper
Oh Scion, Scion, Scion....*enter condescending tone of voice here*...I was drunk off my ass in the discussion forum. If it makes you so happy, you can report me to JMH and have the two precious extra votes removed. As for crying for more votes all the tim
ScionShade ScionShade
Chopper, Chopper , Chopper. Your a liar, Dude. I only said something because this was the third image in a week I watched You do this on. I think "I was drunk" will be a great excuse for Busch to use after We finally pull out of Iraq.
ScionShade ScionShade
Also if you are insinuating that "I need to lighten up because of My response to this image" --I never said anything abouit this image at all. I was going to vote for it, everyone's thinking of this progression of Presidents. I think this image is u
Chopper Chopper
Scion, i'm not a liar. Prove to me when I have ever whored for a vote before last night in the discussion forum. And I wouldn't actually call it whoring. I never said "Go here, vote for me!"...I just said that my post was doing shitty...someone asked whic
Chopper Chopper
And I think that the fact that some of us have been here longer than you does make a big difference. You are going by standards that were recently enforced, where as veteran PSC members who have been here for a long time have a different outlook on this s
ScionShade ScionShade
Um I voted for This, It's the only REALLY GOOD chop in this contest as far as I am concerned.- :-I Scion
Chopper Chopper
Thank you Scion.

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by Chopper
Created April 23, 2004
10 votes   23 comments
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